Causes Behind Infertility

Video transcription:
“The testicles of adult men produce about half a billion sperm each day. By contrast, women generally release only one egg per month. In order for fertilization and conception to occur, one of the man’s many sperm must join the single egg release in a woman’s oviduct or fallopian tube. There are many causes of infertility and often times the reason for the couple’s inability to conceive is never determined. Some known causes of the infertility in men include low sperm count or non-functioning sperm. Infertility in women can be caused by many factors. Some known causes can include failure to ovulate or blocked fallopian tubes. Severe endometriosis, a disorder where pieces of the uterus lining stray interfere to reproductive organs is also a common cause of infertility in women. Diagnosis and management by a physician may be successful in treating some couples with infertility. Some cases of infertility can be treated with medications or surgery. A physician can also discuss alternatives to natural conception, such as donor sperm, donor egg and adoption.”

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Kidney Stones Prevention

Kidney Stones are one of the most common disorders of the urinary tract. A person who has had more than one kidney stone may be likely to form another, so remember the old wisdom saying prevention is better than cure. You can prevent kidney stone formation by drinking plenty of fluids this would dilute your urine also the chemicals which combine to formstones. Avoid eating low fat dairy products and other calcium rich foods. Avoid eating oxalate rich foods like beefs, spinach and chards. Also tea, coffee, cola, chocolate and nuts. Reduce the proportion of salt and meat in your diet. Based on the chemical analysis of the kidney stone , your doctor may prescribe medication and beneficial changes in your diet to prevent further formation.

For more info on kidney stones click here.

Bladder Incontinence – Factors for Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence in general term is the loss of bladder control or an involuntary loss of urine. There are approximately 13 million people in the U.S with bladder control problems. The causes of incontinence can be surgery, childbirth or hormonal loss post-menopause and age. There are many treatment options available to help people with urinary incontinence. Your doctor can prescribe an appropriate treatment according to the severity and cause of the incontinence.

Click this link here to know more about incontinence treatment.