Male Infertility

What is Male Infertility

Infertility is an impairment in the ability to achieve pregnancy. Other definitions state that infertility is the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse with females less than 35 years old. There are multiple causes for infertility in men and women, which affects about 6 million individuals in the United States alone. In fact, about 15% to 30% of all couples suffer from infertility. Some studies have concluded that if a couple is having a problem conceiving, 35% to 40% of the time the male may have a problem related to sperm or its production.

Tubal and pelvic problems account for 35% of diagnosed infertility, 10% is idiopathic, 5% cervical and 15% ovulatory in nature. The exact evaluation and treatment will vary among individuals. Infertility programs have different approaches to the way testing and treatment is done. There is no “best way” to treat infertility patients. Being informed about your treatment is important in helping to determine the right choice for your care. When should a couple seek help with infertility? If you and your partner have had unprotected intercourse without conception or if you suspect infertility problems due to an abnormal medical history, you should seek the advice of a Urologist.

Common Male Infertility Diseases

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