What is Prostate Enlargement?
What are the causes of Prostate Enlargement?
Studies show that the male hormone (testosterone) reaches the prostate in extremely high dosage, increases the speed of production of prostate cells, promoting to the gland’s enlargement. The study’s results tell us that BPH is caused by defective function of the valves in the internal spermatic veins manifesting as varicocele, a phenomenon which has been shown to increase rapidly with age.
What are the symptoms of Prostate Enlargement?
- A faint or sluggish output of urine
- A feeling of unsatisfied urination
- Having trouble starting urination
- Going to the comfort room frequently
- Rushing to urinate
- Waking up at night to urinate frequently
- Urination starts and stops
- Straining to urinate
- Leaking of urine
What are the risks of Prostate Enlargement?
If a man forces hard to urinate, it may damage and rapture small veins in the bladder wall and urethra, causing blood to be present in the urine. And if the urinary tract becomes blocked, the urine accumulating in the bladder may cause uneasiness, a condition called acute urinary retention. Urine that becomes stationary in the bladder can lead to infections. A sore sensation during urination and a fever are signs that it has developed an infection.
How to treat Prostate Enlargement?
Depending on the severity of the Enlargement, the first approach will be to use drugs. A type of drugs called “alpha-adrenergic blockers”, which has phenoxybenzamine and doxazosin to relax the muscle of the bladder and of the urethra, restoring the regular flow of urine, but does not prevent the prostate from enlarging. Some drugs do the shrinking of the prostate and may delay the need for surgery. Other medications may include antibiotics for infections and pain reliever for the pain.
When drugs don’t work for you, a method called transurethral needle ablation may be applied. Only on local anesthesia, a needle is inserted into the prostate and radiofrequency energy is applied, eradicating the tissue blocking the urine flow. Another approach is microwave hyperthermia, using a device named the Prostatron, emitting microwave energy to the prostate through a catheter.
For many years the common operation for Prostate Enlargement has been transurethral resection of the prostate. Using general or spinal anesthesia, a cystoscope is inserted through the urethra and prostate tissue surrounding the urethra is removed using a cutting instrument. The small pieces of prostate tissue are removed out through the scope. Normally there is some blood in the urine for a few days afer the procedure.
You can contact our doctors and schedule an appointment if you want to know more about your options.