Common Causes of Testoterone Deficiency

Testosterone deficiency affects male sexuality adversely because of the important roles that androgenic hormones play in the body. For instance, normal levels of testosterone help in maintaining a healthy mood, sexual desire, fertility and normal energy levels. Depending on age, low testosterone levels can lead to male impotence, bone and muscle development abnormalities and underdeveloped genitalia. Testosterone deficiency has been reported in alarmingly high numbers of males. In the United States alone, over 13 million men experience testosterone deficiency, but less than 10% of these men receive treatment for the disorder. Many studies have revealed that diabetes, hypertension and obesity increase the risk of testosterone deficiency in men. [Read Full Article…]

Who is Dr Nicholas Laryngakis of St Pete Urology?

Dr Nicholas Laryngakis is an experienced urologist at St Pete Urology clinic in the Tampa Bay Area. He received his medical degree at University of Florida College of Medicine. He is known for his skill, professionalism, scholarship and leadership in the nationally recognized Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. To learn more about Dr Nicholas Laryngakis, call us at (727) 478-1172 or visit us in St Petersburg, Florida.

What is Overactive Bladder?

It is easy to guess what the term “Overactive Bladder” means. The bladder is generally associated with the containment of urine until it is passed out of the body. An overactive bladder results in the frequent, involuntary or unexpected release of urine and can cause someone to avoid social interactions they would normally have enjoyed.

What is Prostate Enlargement?

Prostate Enlargement or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is a common condition that affects men ages 60 and above. As men grow older the prostate gets larger thus constricting Urethra limiting the urine passage. For more info on Prostate Enlargement call us at (727) 822-9208 or visit our urologist at St Petersburg, FL.

Prostate Laser Vaporization

If a patient diagnosed with prostate enlargement is not responding to medication, surgery may be recommended. Prostate Laser Vaporization is an effective procedure for treating this condition. To learn more about prostate surgery, call us at (727) 478-1172 or visit us in St Petersburg, Florida.

How Kidney Stones Form in the Kidneys

Kidney stones form when ions that have been filtered into the urine by the kidneys, such as calcium and oxalate, spontaneously join together to form a solid crystal mass. For more information on the formation of kidneys stones, call us at (727) 478-1172 or visit us in St Petersburg, Florida.

Considerations in Advanced Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer is the second leading cause of death pertaining to cancer-related diseases among men in the United States. But despite its death toll, Prostate Cancer is highly curable when diagnosed and treated early. For more information about Prostate Cancer, call us at (727) 478-1172 or visit us in St Petersburg, Florida.

How to Prevent UTI with Urinary Incontinence

If left untreated, Urinary Tract Infections can lead to complications such as Urinary Incontinence. Know how to prevent this from happening by following these helpful tips from the urology specialists at St Pete Urology. For more information about UTI, call us at (727) 478-1172 or visit us in St Petersburg, Florida

How the Vasectomy Procedure is Performed

A Vasectomy is a urologic surgery intended to prevent the transport of sperm out of the testis. This procedure is performed by a skilled urologist cutting or tying the Vas deferens to block passage of the sperm. For more information about Vasectomy surgery, call us at (727) 478-1172 or visit us in St Petersburg, Florida.

Filling out the St Pete Urology Forms is a good place to start in learning about urologic problems and their treatments. The website also has an online form you can conveniently submit before your first appointment. Scheduling an appointment with a urologist is easy and can also be done online. For more information about St Pete Urology, call us at (727) 478-1172 or visit us in St Petersburg, Florida.