Problems With Urination
Urinary incontinence and urinary tract infections, or UTIs, are both common problems that affect millions of people every year.
If you experience leaking urine during activities like coughing, laughing or bending over; if you feel sudden, strong urges to go to the bathroom but do not always make it in time; or if you wet the bed at night, you may be suffering from a bladder issue causing urinary incontinence. It is important to discuss these symptoms with your doctor, who can help find solutions so you enjoy a better quality of life.
If you are experiencing a burning sensation during urination, a frequent urge to go, cloudy urine or a fever, you might have a UTI. A physician can determine the best route to deal with it, most likely involving antibiotics, to clear up the infection before it can spread to the kidneys and become more serious.
Pain In The Bladder
If you have been experiencing issues with the urinary tract for more than six weeks without signs of an infection, and if there is also pain and a feeling of pressure in the bladder area, you might be dealing with interstitial cystitis. This is a chronic health condition that can range from mild to severe. Every case of IC is different, so your doctor will work closely with you to reach a diagnosis and determine a treatment plan.
Warning Signs Of Bladder Cancer
The first sign of bladder cancer is usually blood in the urine, also known as hematuria. Sometimes the blood is not visible and will only be noticeable during urinalysis performed as part of a physical exam. Other times, enough blood may be visible to tint the urine pink, orange or dark red. Blood in the urine also can be a symptom of other serious issues such as kidney stones or an infection.
Other signs of bladder cancer can include indications of less severe bladder problems, such a frequent urge to go, a burning sensation during urination, or difficulty relieving yourself. Symptoms of more advanced bladder cancer include an inability to urinate, lower back pain, swollen feet or bone pain.
Whenever you experience new symptoms or difficulties with your urinary system, it is important to contact your doctor as soon as possible. The urologists at St Pete Urology are here to help with bladder problems of all kinds so you can live your happiest, healthiest life. For more information, visit the St Pete Urology website.