Infertility Treatment Options for Men & Women

Infertility Treatment Options for Men & WomenFor couples struggling to conceive a child, life might feel like a carousel, trying for the brass ring, month after month. It can put a lot of pressure on the relationship. But now there are fertility treatments that can put the chances of conception in your favor.

What are the different types of fertility treatments?

Today we have more technology for diagnosing and treating infertility than ever before. Fertility assessments should be done on both partners to determine which treatments can help, and whether it is a male or female infertility issue.

Female Options for Fertility Treatment

Fertility treatments can include medications to regulate hormones and ovulation, which are often combined with minor surgery approaches. Assisted Reproductive Technology, or ART for short, encompasses several procedures to help you conceive. Some ART procedures make it easier for the sperm to fertilize an egg, and others help with getting the egg to implant in the lining of your uterus.

Common ART fertility treatments are:

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), in which healthy sperm is collected and then inserted directly into the uterus when you are ovulating.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), in which eggs are taken from the ovaries to be fertilized by sperm in the lab where they can develop into embryos. Then a doctor implants the embryos into your uterus after they grows for 3 to 5 days.

GIFT, short for Gamete IntraFallopian Transfer, and ZIFT, Zygote IntraFallopian Transfer. In GIFT, the egg and sperm are collected and immediately placed in a fallopian tube. With ZIFT, the egg(s) and sperm are combined in a lab, resulting in a fertilized egg, which then is placed into the tube at 24 hours.

Cryopreservation, which is known as “freezing” your eggs, sperm or embryos, along with donated eggs or embryos, as well as surrogate mothers who carry the embryo to term.

Both fertility drugs and hormones can be used to help determine when the woman is ovulating or ensure proper levels of hormones. Surgery can remove tissue, such as in cases of endometriosis, or be used to open blocked fallopian tubes.

Enlisting donor sperm, eggs or surrogate mothers, is popular with single people and same-sex couples who desire a baby. Donor sperm or eggs can be the solution if either partner has fertility issues.

Male Options for Fertility Treatment

There are various treatment options if the male needs help with sperm counts, quality or motility. Surgery by a qualified urologist is recommended if the cause is a varicocele (widened veins in the scrotum) or for any blockage in the vas deferens, the tubes that carry the sperm. Antibiotics can be used to treat infections in the reproductive organs, and medications can treat problems with ejaculation or erections. Another option is hormone treatment.

If you wish to conceive but are having problems, our team of specialists at St Pete Urology is experienced in working with couples to make assessments and help in achieving your dreams. For more information, visit the St Pete Urology website.

Facts About Stress Urinary Incontinence in Women

What Is Urinary Incontinence?

Many women have a silent concern due to urinary incontinence. It somehow seems taboo to talk about the problem, even with a regular doctor or gynecologist. There are approximately 25 million Americans who suffer from some type of urinary incontinence and as many as 80 percent of them are women. Pregnancy, giving birth, going through menopause and even the unique structure of the female urinary anatomy contribute to the disparity between male and female sufferers.

Urinary incontinence is defined as the unintentional loss or leakage of urine. The term “stress incontinence” means that when the body is under exertion it puts pressure on your bladder and the bladder leaks. Some triggers for stress incontinence include running, coughing, sneezing, bending or heavy lifting.

Bladder Retraining

The bladder is controlled by muscles and it can be trained. You may wish to keep a voiding diary, noting things like times of urination, duration between bathroom trips, types of food or beverages that seem to trigger urgency or frequency of bathroom trips. This journal describing your symptoms and potential causes can help if you need to visit a urologist for treatment.

As you establish baselines for your urinary problem, you can start behavior modification and training your bladder. Here’s how to do it:

  • Schedule Your Bathroom Breaks

Start by scheduling bathroom visits. Increase the time periods between those breaks by adding 15-minute increments. Visit the bathroom even if you don’t feel you need to go. You will be working toward longer and longer stretches of time between breaks.

  • Perform Kegel Exercises

When you learn to isolate the muscles that control urine flow, you can practice having more control by performing Kegel exercises while sitting, standing or during urination.

Other Tips to Prevent Overactive Bladder:

  • In addition to bladder retraining, you may want to eliminate or limit beverages that increase the need for urinating, like coffee, tea or caffeinated sodas.
  • Drink fewer fluids before bedtime.

Treating Overactive Bladder With Behavioral Modifications

You needn’t feel alone when you have urinary incontinence. Make an appointment with a urologist who is trained to deal with your condition. Your doctor may take any of the following approaches beyond what you can do on your own:

  • Recommend biofeedback,
  • Send urine or drawn blood to the lab to determine how completely you empty your bladder.
  • Prescribe medicine to address bladder function or tighten muscles.
  • Employ a medical device, such as a urethral insert or a pessary.
  • Try nerve stimulation, using a mild electric current to nerves in the bladder that help control urination.
  • Suggest surgery if indicated.

If you have stress incontinence, you may be limiting yourself from fully participating in life events. Seek treatment from experts like those at St Pete Urology, where surgeons perform hundreds of successful sling surgery procedures every year. For more information, visit the St Pete Urology website.

Treating Voiding Dysfunction in Women

Voiding dysfunction is a problem that affects women in increasing numbers, and it can be an embarrassing condition that curtails daily activities. Voiding dysfunction can take several forms, including urinary incontinence, painful urination and interstitial cystitis. Women over 40 are especially susceptible and it can be uncomfortable subject to bring up in conversations with doctors.

Preliminary Diagnosis

Although your primary care doctor can perform simple testing for a urinary tract infection, you may save time and discomfort by seeing a qualified urologist first. Some urological procedures for diagnosis include:

  1. Urinalysis
  2. Uroflow electromyogram (EMG)
  3. Abdominal X rays (KUB)
  4. Cystoscopy
  5. Uroflowmetry

Initial Care for Voiding Dysfunction

Your primary care doctor may recommend dietary changes such as reducing the amount of alcohol and caffeine you consume. Your doctor may even warn you about the use of tobacco if you are a smoker.

Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises are often effective at improving voiding dysfunction in the form of bladder leakage in women. Kegel exercises (or Kegels) simply increase the strength of the pelvic floor, and can be done in bed or while emptying the bladder. However, there are instances when the woman’s pelvic floor is too tight and Kegels are not recommended. A urologist can diagnose and recommend the appropriate treatment for the various types of voiding dysfunction.

Additional treatments for voiding dysfunction include muscle relaxants, pelvic floor therapy, self-catheterization and insertion of a neuromodulation device.

Painful Urination and Treatment

Besides being unable to control bladder flow, painful urination is another dysfunction associated with voiding. You may be diagnosed with interstitial cystitis. Some refer to the condition as BPS (bladder pain syndrome). Interstitial cystitis is associated with bladder pain, overactive bladder, bladder distention and, at times, bladder stones.

Once your physician has isolated the source of the problem, he or she may recommend a medication that allows the bladder to relax.

Why Get Diagnosed and Treated for Voiding Dysfunction

Successful treatment of voiding dysfunction will allow you to enjoy life better, with:

  1. Fewer accidents
  2. More control over where and when you void your bladder
  3. Longer intervals between needing to urinate

For those who live in the St Petersburg, Tampa or Clearwater areas, St Pete Urology offers treatment and relief of this condition. Schedule a consultation today to learn how our experienced team offers the most advanced technology, minimally invasive surgery options and compassionate care.

5 Essential Reasons Why Women Should See A Urologist

Urologists are not only specialists for men but also providers of essential medical services for women. Trained to treat urinary tract problems both medically and surgically, urologists offer the best treatment for bladder control issues and other disorders of the female urinary tract and reproductive system. So when faced with urological issues at any stage of life, women may need to see these doctors for quick resolution of the problems. In fact, women should consider seeing urologists when having frequent urges to urinate, leaking urine, pain in the sides or back, bloody urine, and burning or pain during urination. The 5 essential reasons why women should see a urologist are:

1. Overactive bladder

Characterized by a sudden, uncontrollable urge to urinate, waking more than once at night to urinate and urinating 8 or more times in 24 hours, overactive bladder affects many women of all ages and has several potential causes. Since treatment for the condition is dependent on the identified cause, it is important to see a urologist to carry out tests in order to determine the cause and recommend the best treatment. At St. Pete Urology in St. Petersburg, doctors use specialized testing and recommend personalized treatment for women with overactive bladder.

2. Urinary incontinence

Bladder control problems can affect women of all ages and are a very common issue. By definition, urinary incontinence is the loss of bladder control which can lead to accidental leakage of urine. For example, women with urinary incontinence (UI) have trouble holding urine, particularly when they cough, sneeze or exercise. Caused by obesity, pregnancy later in life, childbirth and even menopause, UI affects roughly 57 percent of women between the age of 40 and 60. Treatments for the condition include exercises for strengthening pelvic muscles, medication, implanted devices, injections and surgery.

3. Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs)

Even though urinary tract infections commonly occur in women and can be quickly treated with antibiotics and other measures, recurrent infections may be a sign of a larger issue requiring the attention of a urologist. Women experiencing two or more urinary tract infections in 6 months, or even three or more UTIs in one year should see a urologist to explore the possibility of having a recurrent problem. The urologist will diagnose the issue using kidney scans, culture test and other tests, identify the actual cause of the recurrent infection, and recommend effective treatment for breaking the series of recurrent infections.

4. Kidney stones

While kidney stones are a more common problem in men than women, about 7 percent of women will have kidney stones at some stage of their life. There is a higher risk for a woman to develop kidney stones if she does not drink enough water, frequently eats meals high in protein, takes medicines that can cause kidney stones as a side effect, has had a stone before, has certain diseases, or is over 50. The stones can form in the bladder, ureters or kidneys and may be passed out on their own with high fluid intake or removed through different treatment options. If you are a woman experiencing extreme pain on your back, side, lower abdomen, groin, or pain during urination, vomiting, nausea or blood in urine, please visit St. Pete Urology in St Petersburg for immediate help.

5. Fallen bladder and bladder cancer

The bladder is usually held in position by the pelvic floor. But when the pelvic floor is stretched or weakened, particularly due to aging, menopause, obesity or prior pelvic surgery, the bladder may drop into the vagina, resulting in complications such as overactive bladder, urinary tract infections and urinary incontinence. Pelvic floor prolapse (also called fallen bladder or cystocele) can be corrected either surgically or nonsurgically by placing a pessary in the vagina to hold up the organs. Apart from fallen bladder, urologists are also recommended to treat bladder and kidney cancer.


If you are experiencing symptoms such as blood in urine, frequent urination, burning or pain when urinating, or pelvic pain, call or visit St. Peter Urology for help. Our urologists offer top-of-the-line comprehensive urological services to women and are committed to patient satisfaction. Evaluation of urological conditions includes a complete patient history, medical exam, urodynamics (bladder EKG), imaging, cytoscopy and all necessary lab tests. For more information on the treatment of urological conditions in women, visit the site, St Pete Urology.

Top 3 Questions Frequently Asked by Women about Vasectomy

For couples who have made the decision not to have any more children, vasectomy is a trustworthy and effective birth control method. Though performed on a man, vasectomy is a permanent birth control method with 99.85 percent efficacy and a guarantee that the woman will not have unwanted pregnancies in the future. It does not interfere with a man’s sex drive, erections, orgasm and ejaculation and is only accompanied by temporary discomfort in men. But as with men, many women have worries about the procedure and are concerned whether it can hurt their relationships, sexually and emotionally. Here are the top 3 FAQs women ask about vasectomy.

1. Is vasectomy a perfect form of contraception?

As a permanent means of preventing pregnancy that works through the cutting of the vas deferens, tubes carrying sperm from the testes to the penis, vasectomy ensures sperm does not exit the penis during ejaculation. After the procedure, a man’s body continues to produce sperm, but the secreted sperm die and get reabsorbed by the body. A man cannot make a woman pregnant after vasectomy as long as the couple has used an alternative birth control method for the first 8-12 weeks after the procedure to allow the sperm count in the semen to drop to zero. Once the man has had a follow up test of the semen to confirm there is a zero sperm count, the couple can enjoy sexual activity without any more worries of pregnancy or need for other birth control methods.

2. Is vasectomy easier and more effective than tubal ligation?

Women can have their “tubes tied” surgically by a gynecologist. Tubal ligation is the closing of the fallopian tubes to prevent sperm from reaching an egg (ovum). When not undertaken during a caesarian section (C-section), tubal ligation is a complex procedure requiring a hospital setting, abdominal incisions and general anesthesia, posing a greater risk of complications such as scar tissue, bleeding and longer recovery. On the other hand, vasectomy is a less complex 15-20-minute procedure often performed by a urologist in an ambulatory surgery center (or rarely in the doctor’s office or hospital setting) using local anesthesia and accompanied with minimal to mild discomfort. Vasectomy also can be performed using the no-scalpel technique that requires no incisions, ensuring recovery occurs within a few days. In a sense, vasectomy is easier to perform and more effective in preventing pregnancies than tubal ligation.

3. Can vasectomy be reversed?

For women exploring vasectomy as a permanent birth control method, there is usually the question of what happens when life’s circumstances change after having the procedure and there is a need to conceive naturally. What if we lose all our children or find ourselves in a situation where we need a child after years of having a vasectomy? Well, for such couples, the option of vasectomy reversal can be explored. St. Pete Urology Center has a team of skilled and experienced vasectomy reversal urologists offering reversal services with over 90 percent success rate to couples who wish to have the procedure reversed in order to conceive naturally.

Our team of urologists understands that a vasectomy is a major life decision for couples and provides answers to a broad range of questions on the issue. For more information on vasectomy, visit the site, St Pete Urology.

Women’s Health: Do Women See A Urologist?

It is a common mistake to believe that only men see urologists. In fact, women are more likely than men to have a urinary problem at some stage of life. When it comes to a condition affecting the urinary tract, bladder or kidneys, a urologist is the expert who can offer the best treatment. Urologists see women, men and children to treat common disorders of the urinary system.

Women’s Urological Conditions

(a) Overactive bladder: A woman with an overactive bladder experiences a sudden, frequent or hard-to-control urge to urinate, wakes up more than once at night to urinate, or urinates eight or more times in 24 hours. A urologist will perform various tests to diagnose the disorder and then recommend treatment according to the cause.

(b) Urinary incontinence: Characterized by a loss of bladder control that often results in accidental leakage of urine, urinary incontinence affects up to 57% of women between 40-60 years and requires the attention of a urologist.

(c) Urinary tract infections (UTIs): Urinary tract infections can cause serious complications if they spread to the kidney. They require prompt and effective treatment. Since women are more susceptible than men to UTIs because of their anatomy, they should see a urologist if they have frequent or persistent infections.

(d) Fallen bladder: Because the bladder is held in position by the pelvic floor, it may drop onto the vagina when the pelvic floor is weakened or stretched due to obesity, menopause, aging or prior pelvic surgery. A woman should see a urologist with experience in female urology to correct a fallen bladder.

(e) Painful bladder syndrome (interstitial cystitis): Interstitial cystitis (IC) comes with lower belly and bladder discomfort, a feeling that the bladder is always full, and a sudden and severe urge to urinate (even up to 60 times per day), which can interfere with everyday activities. Some women have been forced to skip social events or avoid travelling away from home, while some find sex uncomfortable or painful due to the condition. Women who have the disorder need to see a urologist.

(f) Urinary stones: Urinary stones are hard masses that form in the kidneys, bladder or ureters. While drinking 2-4 quarts of water in 24 hours may help to move a urinary stone, a urologist can break them apart with ultrasound-based treatment or remove them surgically.

(g) Cancer: Women can have cancer in the bladder, bladder lining, kidneys or urethra. The cancer may show signs such as pain during urination, lower back pain, blood in urine and frequent visits to the bathroom. Seeing a urologist may help to detect and treat the cancer early.

Ideally, women should see a urologist when experiencing:

  • Pelvic pain
  • Burning sensation or discomfort when urinating.
  • Frequent urination
  • Blood in urine
  • Pain in the back or sides
  • Leaking urine

At St Pete Urology, we have specialized urology services that cater to the unique needs of women. We deal with many urological conditions affecting women, including incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, bladder infection, overactive bladder, kidney stones and cancer. Male or female, feel free to contact St Pete Urology when you have a urine or bladder issue.