Bobby Bowden Revelation on Prostate Cancer

Football coach Bobby Bowden of Florida State, a 2-time national champion and 377-game winner, revealed he was successfully treated for prostate cancer in 2007. Bowden keep his prostate cancer, the second leading cause of cancer death in men, a secret for four years and didn’t want anyone to find out he had cancer because he was worried other schools would use it against him in recruiting. Bowden believed it was now his moral duty to bring it out in the open this prostate cancer awareness month. Especially now that he’s no longer coaching. “We’ve got to get men aware of this and be sure they get to the doctor and get their checkup where they can discover it like they did with me” Bowden told AP. Following the annual physical exam, Bowden was referred to Urologist Dr. Joe Camps. He’s a former player of Bowden who treated him by implanting low-dose radiation seeds in Bowden’s prostate. He has been cancer-free since undergoing that procedure. He hopes his experience will serve as a teaching tool. Bowden’s revelation was first reported in Tuesday’s edition of USA Today.

Original Article here.