Male Infertility – Impotence

Erectile Dysfunction or impotence is the inability to maintain an erection. Causes are clogged blood vessels, high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome among others. Risk factors include getting older, having a chronic heart condition, medications, smoking, alcohol abuse, obesity and stress. There are several test that can be done: they include Ultrasound, neurological evaluation, psychological evaluation and invasive tests.

Treatment methods include oral medications, needle injection therapy, hormone replacement therapy, penis pumps, vascular surgery, Penile Implants and psychological counseling. There are several ways to reduce the chances of having erectile dysfunction. Technology and techniques have improved substantially making minimally invasive penile implants an option to consider with your doctor. One must attempt the following: Manage existing conditions such as diabetes and heart disease, limit or avoid alcohol, stop smoking, exercise, reduce stress, get enough sleep, and get help for depression or anxiety.

If you would like to make an appointment to see one of the urologist at St Pete Urology, please click on contact us and complete the short form. Thank you for your patience.