Low Testosterone Treatment: Potential Benefits and Risks

Testosterone hormone therapy comes in three different forms; intramuscular injection, patch, or gel form. The injection is usually administered once a week, the patch and gel are both placed on the skin as directed by the doctor [Read Full Article…]

Erectile Dysfunction – Finding the Right Therapy for Each Patient

Erectile dysfunction (impotence) is a common problem that can limit your intimacy, affect your self-esteem and impact your most important relationships. It can also be a sign of another health condition that needs attention, such as poorly controlled diabetes or cardiovascular disease. [Read Full Article…]

Some Causes of Low Testosterone

Low Testosterone (Hypogonadism or Andropause) affects over 39 percent of all men aged 45 and above. The chances that a person has testosterone deficiency increases with age, and according to recent medical research, the incidences of hypogonadism are around 20 percent in men over 60, 30 percent in men over 70, and 50 percent in men over 80. [Read Fulll Article…]