Common Symptoms for Low Testoterone in Men

Testosterone is a hormone that is produced in the testicles in men. It is mainly responsible for maintaining male characteristics (such as hair growth and a deep voice) and facilitating muscle growth. [Read Full Article…]

Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Low Testosterone in Men

Testosterone is a hormone found in both men and women, but is produced in larger quantities by men. This hormone is produced in the testicles in men and is responsible for various body functions including; red blood cell production, reproduction, sexual drive, muscle mass, and bone density. [Read Full Article…]

Some Causes of Low Testosterone

Low Testosterone (Hypogonadism or Andropause) affects over 39 percent of all men aged 45 and above. The chances that a person has testosterone deficiency increases with age, and according to recent medical research, the incidences of hypogonadism are around 20 percent in men over 60, 30 percent in men over 70, and 50 percent in men over 80. [Read Fulll Article…]

Common Causes of Testoterone Deficiency

Testosterone deficiency affects male sexuality adversely because of the important roles that androgenic hormones play in the body. For instance, normal levels of testosterone help in maintaining a healthy mood, sexual desire, fertility and normal energy levels. Depending on age, low testosterone levels can lead to male impotence, bone and muscle development abnormalities and underdeveloped genitalia. Testosterone deficiency has been reported in alarmingly high numbers of males. In the United States alone, over 13 million men experience testosterone deficiency, but less than 10% of these men receive treatment for the disorder. Many studies have revealed that diabetes, hypertension and obesity increase the risk of testosterone deficiency in men. [Read Full Article…]