What color of pee is bad?

Do you ever pay attention to the color of your pee? If not, then starting today, you should.

The color of your pee can give you a hint of what is going on in your body—and whether you are well or unwell.

Urine is made in your kidneys as your blood is filtered. The kidneys make pee to help remove toxins and other harmful substances from your blood. So your pee is not just made of water and salt but also contains wastes such as uric acid and urea, and other substances found in your blood.

What is the color of pee?

The normal color of pee is yellow because of the yellow pigment, urochrome, made in your body.

When you are healthy and adequately hydrated, you should expect to produce light yellow and close-to-clear pee.

However, lots of things can change the color of your pee.

For instance, your urine will have no color if you’re drinking a lot of water or taking diuretics drugs that enhance fluid loss.

But when dehydrated, your pee becomes amber, dark yellow to light brown.

The color of your pee also changes with the type of foods, medications, or illness.

What color of pee is bad?

  1. Clear

Clear urine typically indicates you’re drinking too much fluid, and you need to cut back on your water intake. Although staying hydrated is a good thing, drinking too much water can rob your body of electrolytes.

Besides, consistently clear pee may indicate that you have a liver problem, like viral hepatitis or liver cirrhosis.

If your pee is clear for a while and you’re not consuming large amounts of water, then you should see your doctor.

  1. Dark brown

Dark brown pee color may be due to medications, such chloroquine (Aralen) and metronidazole (Flagyl), or extreme exercise that causes muscle injury.

It may also be due to eating large quantities of aloe, rhubarb, or fava beans.

Most often, brown pee indicates you should drink more water, showing that you are dehydrated.

In some cases, brown pee results from diseases. One of them is porphyria—a rare disorder that usually involves sensitivity to light and leads to brown urine because of the breakdown of red cells.

Pee can also be brown when you have a buildup of bile, liver disease, or a tumor.

You should see a urologist if your pee is brown and doesn’t get better after a day or so.

  1. Cloudy

Cloudy, foamy, or frothy pee is bad and requires immediate medical help.

When urine has bubbles or foam, you may be consuming too much protein in your diet, but a persistently cloudy pee indicates a more serious condition, such as kidney disease, diverticulitis, Crohn’s disease, or other chronic condition.

Make sure to let your doctor know about it as soon as possible.

  1. White

Pee that is cloudy white could mean you have kidney stones or a severe infection.

The white color is probably due to the presence of pus in your urine.

Make sure to see your urologist immediately for appropriate medication.

  1. Pink or red

Your pee may be pink or red due to foods like blackberries, beets, rhubarb, and carrots. But red or pink color of pee may also be caused by medications like the antibiotic rifampin or phenazopyridine for urinary tract infections (UTIs).

In the worst case, pink or red pee is due to blood in urine caused by urinary tract infections, an enlarged prostate, kidney disease, a tumor, kidney stones, or cysts.

If the color change occurs together with burning pain, odd smell, or any other unusual symptoms, then it certainly means you have an underlying health problem.

So if you have red pee and have recently not eaten the foods above, then you should visit your doctor immediately for help.

  1. Orange

Pee that has the color of citrus-flavored soft drink may be due to medications such as high-dose vitamin B12, the antibiotic isoniazid, or the UTI drug phenazopyridine. But it can also mean you’re dehydrated or you have a problem with your bile duct or liver.

If you have orange urine in addition to light-colored stools, then bile might be reaching your bloodstream due to problems in your bile ducts or liver.

It could be a result of adult-onset jaundice.

 Make sure to speak with your doctor about it.

  1. Blue

Blue urine is usually due to brightly colored food dyes and medications such as amitriptyline and indomethacin.

If you are not taking dyed food or these types of medications, the blue tinge may be due to bacterial infection by Pseudomonas aeruginosa or the rare condition hypercalcemia—too much calcium in your bones.

Generally, blue pee is rare and is almost often related to diet.

  1. Green

Your pee may be green due to vegetables in your diet.

However, green pee is usually bad as it is associated with Proteus infection.

If your pee is green, you should see your doctor, establish the source, and prescribe a course of antibiotics to clear up the urinary tract infection.

When should you see your doctor?

Speak with your doctor every time you see a change in your urine color that you can’t link to a new medication or a recent meal, particularly if the color change lasts more than a day.

Don’t hesitate to inform your doctor about it as it could signify a serious health condition.

A change in color of your pee that comes with a fever, vomiting, side or back pain, feeling very thirsty, or discharge requires urgent attention. Your doctor will run tests on your urine to determine what is going on and provide proper treatment.

What Foods Are Good For Kidneys?

Kidneys play a significant role in the overall health of the body. They filter out waste products from blood and send them out of the body as waste through urine. The kidneys also balance fluid and electrolyte levels in the body while making hormones that regulate the function of other organs of your body. But to keep your kidneys healthy, you need to watch what you eat and drink because some foods boost the performance of the kidneys while others stress, degrade and damage them.

What foods support healthy kidneys?

Kidney-friendly foods are those that enhance kidney function and protect them from damage. Generally, a good balance of quality protein, calories, vitamins, and minerals are great for the kidneys. Very high dietary levels of some mineral ions such as sodium, potassium, phosphorus and calcium may in the long run endanger your kidneys. Foods linked to heart problems and high blood pressure may put additional pressure on the kidneys.

For healthy kidneys, consider the following:

1. Stay Hydrated

Water helps to flush out toxins from the body. In fact, the body relies on water to assist transporting toxic wastes into the bloodstream, then to the kidneys where they are filtered and removed through urine. This process helps reduce the risk of bacterial infection, kidney stones, and kidney disease, which is why water is crucial for the critical salt-fluid balance in the body.

Ideally, you should drink 6-8 glasses of water per day, but of course you can drink more if you are active during the day. In addition to the many other benefits of staying hydrated, drinking water when thirsty helps to support your kidneys.

2. Apples and mushrooms

Apples are rich in fiber. One of the fibers, called pectin, helps to reduce various risk factors for kidney disease, such as high blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Apples also have anti-inflammatory constituents, prevent constipation, protect against heart disease, and lower the risk of cancer. You might also consider eating mushrooms for their high levels of vitamin D, which boosts kidney function.

3. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes have a robust fiber profile. They break down very slowly in the body which helps to support low insulin levels. Sweet potatoes also have a healthy amount of vitamins and minerals, such as potassium which helps to balance sodium levels in the body and reduce the effect of sodium on the kidneys. However, since they contain high levels of potassium, sweet potatoes are not ideal for those with chronic kidney disease (CKD).

4. Berries

Dark berries, such as strawberries, raspberries and blueberries are a great source of nutrients and antioxidants and for most people protective for the kidneys.

5. Dark leafy vegetables

Leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach and chard contain a wide variety of vitamins, fibers, and minerals that support kidney function. While they do supply a number of protective compounds, dark leafy vegetables are highly rich in potassium and therefore less suitable for those with chronic kidney disease (CKD), restricted diet, or patients on dialysis.

6. Kale and cauliflowers

Kale is a terrific source of vitamins A and C which reduce inflammation, boost the immune system and protect the kidneys. Kale is also lower in potassium compared to other greens, and contains lots of iron. Like kale, cauliflower is rich in vitamin C and also has plenty of fiber and folate that are crucial for kidney function. Likewise, cauliflower contains compounds that improve the liver’s ability to neutralize toxic substances and reduce the stress on the kidneys.

7. Fatty fish and egg whites

Tuna, salmon and other cold-water, fatty fish have high omega-3 fatty acids. The omega-3 fatty acids in these fish are heart protective and also healthy for the kidneys. Since high blood pressure is a risk factor for kidney disease, fatty fish is a great way to improve your cholesterol profile and protect your kidneys.

Foods to avoid include:

1. High salt

Elevated salt levels raise blood pressure making the heart and kidneys work extremely hard. You can control your salt intake by cooking at home and avoiding most fast foods which are sky high in sodium.

You can also try substituting new spices and herbs in place of salt and by avoiding packaged and pre-cooked foods, such as soups, frozen dinners, and boxed meals that usually have extra salt. Similarly, you should avoid table salt and high-sodium seasonings like soy sauce, garlic salt and sea salt.

2. Foods rich in potassium

While potassium helps your nerves and muscles to work properly, too much of it can lead to serious heart problems and eventually to kidney issues. Potassium is found in most fruits and vegetables, such as bananas, oranges, avocadoes, raw carrots, cooked broccoli, potatoes, greens, tomatoes, and melons.

Instead of these high potassium foods, try alternatives such as apples, cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. Other good options are pineapples, peaches, plums, asparagus, cabbage, cucumber, and beans (green and white).

3. Limit phosphorus and calcium

Phosphorus and calcium are great minerals for keeping your bones healthy and strong. But high levels of phosphorus may increase the risk of long-term kidney disease. Since most foods that contain phosphorus are also equally rich in calcium, the body’s levels of the two minerals can be controlled by similar mechanisms.

If your doctor suggests limiting phosphorus, avoid foods such as red meat, dairy products, nuts, fish, most grains, and legumes. Consider replacing these foods with healthy foods that are lower in phosphorus, such as fresh fruits and veggies, rice, corn and fish.

At St Pete Urology, we encourage our patients to take care of their kidneys through healthy behaviors—exercise, drinking plenty of water and eating a balanced diet. We also perform surgeries and treat urination problems such as incontinence, tumors, cysts, growth and stones of the urinary system, as well as problems of the male reproductive system. For more information on kidney disorders and their treatment, visit the St Pete Urology website.

How and Why Should I Do Kegels?

Kegel exercises are for strengthening pelvic floor muscles. They involve contracting and relaxing, clenching and releasing those muscles. Also called pelvic floor exercises, Kegels strengthen and coordinate the muscles that support the bladder, rectum, uterus and small intestines. The strengthening, in turn, helps to prevent the accidental passing of stool or gas, stops bladder leaks, and improves orgasm.

What are the benefits of Kegel exercises?

1. Prevent pelvic organ prolapse

Pelvic floor muscles support abdominal organs such as the stomach, bladder, intestines and uterus. With age, the weakening and slowing down of these muscles may lead to pelvic organ prolapse (POP).

A prolapse means the pelvic organs are displaced, drooping and fallen out of their normal position. In women, the pelvic organs may fall into the vagina or cause vaginal tissues to protrude from the body, particularly if the prolapse occurs after a hysterectomy.

Through regular Kegel exercises, pelvic floor muscles become stronger and more coordinated, reducing the risk of prolapse.

2. Avert incontinence

Pelvic floor exercises not only contribute to good posture and spinal stability, they also strengthen the muscular support for bladder and bowel function and help to maintain urinary and fecal continence. If you already have bowel or bladder incontinence, or drip after peeing, the exercises can help to relieve your symptoms.

3. Enhance sexual function

Kegel exercises improve sexual function. In men, they increase control over ejaculation and enhance the feeling experienced during orgasm. In women, the exercises improve flexibility and ease penetration. In addition, they provide the muscular strength to achieve orgasm while also making pregnancy and childbirth easier.

How should you do Kegel exercises?

1. Begin by identifying pelvic floor muscles

Kegel exercises do not require a lot of time, but targeting the right muscles is necessary. One of the easiest ways to identify the muscles is to stop urinating midstream by squeezing your muscles to hold the urine in. Another way of locating the muscles is to stop the passage of gas.

The muscles that help you to stop the passage of urine or gas are the ones you will need to work on. You only need to stop passing urine once or twice in order to identify the right muscles. After that, it is not advisable to perform Kegel exercises while urinating as that can lead to incomplete emptying of the bladder and increased risk of urinary tract infections.

2. Start slowly and improve with practice

Like other exercises, Kegels become easier with practice. Plan to begin slowly and build on your gains over time. For instance, you can start by squeezing your pelvic floor muscles for 3 seconds, releasing for another 3 seconds, and then repeating 10 times in a row. If you are not able to do 10 at time, begin with a lower number and increase with time.

3. Keep the focus

As you do these exercises, you will be tempted to flex the buttocks, thighs or abdomen. You may also find it difficult to increase the number of repetitions. Always target and exercise your pelvic floor muscles, pushing your body to complete at least one set of 10 Kegel exercises two to three times a day.

As you do the exercises, make sure to relax your pelvic floor muscles completely and to avoid holding your breath.

4. Perform Kegels anytime, anywhere

Kegel exercises are quite convenient. You can make them part of your routine and do them anywhere, whether brushing your teeth, driving to work, shopping for groceries or watching TV. Combining the exercise with another activity is a good way to remember your routine and see quick results.

Can Kegel exercises cause complications?

While the exercises are completely safe, you still need to do them the right way. For instance, you should not overdo Kegels as this may lead to straining when you visit the bathroom. You should also not do them as you urinate because that could increase your risk of urinary tract infections.

Kegel exercises are not for everyone. If your muscles are already tired, they will not respond if you try to contract them. Also, if your muscles are already tight, exercising them may cause more harm. Speak with your urologist to determine if you can benefit.

Are the exercises effective?

For those who do Kegel exercises regularly, the results are excellent. For example, urine leaks become less frequent within a few weeks of starting the exercises. Keep in mind that they have more impact when performed regularly over an extended period of time, such as doing them every day for at least 15 weeks. If you do not feel your symptoms are improving, you should speak with your doctor about alternative treatments.

At St Pete Urology, we offer personalized treatments for patients with urological problems. We will only recommend you do Kegel exercises after a thorough assessment of your condition. For more information on pelvic floor exercises and other treatment options for urologic disorders, visit the St Pete Urology website.

What to Expect at Your First Urology Appointment

Frequent urination, incontinence, sexual dysfunction, and other chronic issues can be embarrassing, painful, or even signs of a more serious condition. By seeing a urologist, you can ensure that these issues do not unnecessarily disrupt your life.

At St Pete Urology, we provide life-changing solutions for men and women with urinary tract problems and for men with issues affecting their reproductive organs. Our urologists diagnose and treat these conditions every day, so there is no need to be embarrassed about seeking help.

You should see a urologist if you have:

  • Blood in your urine
  • Painful urination
  • Poor bladder control
  • Urine leakage or flow issues
  • Sudden change in the color or smell of your urine
  • Pain in your groin, lower back or abdominal area
  • Hernia
  • Fallen bladder protrusion
  • Overactive bladder (OAB)
  • Low sex drive
  • Recurrent urinary tract infections
  • Hormone imbalance, such as low testosterone
  • Kidney pain or kidney stones
  • Concerns with testicles, penis or prostate
  • Cancer of the bladder, penis, testicles, prostate or kidney

What should you expect during your first visit?

Whether you are referred by another doctor or find a urologist on your own, your first visit will be similar to seeing your primary care physician. The urologist will begin by reviewing your full medical history, particularly in relation to previous urological issues. The doctor will then run diagnostic tests and use the results to determine the cause and likely treatment for your condition.


When you arrive for your first appointment, you should expect to fill out paperwork. Depending on the reason for your visit, you may be required to complete a questionnaire. Because the questionnaire helps to evaluate your symptoms, it is advisable to track them beforehand and arrive at your appointment with specific information. Give as much detail as possible, rate the severity of your symptoms, and make a note of their timing.

Urine Sample

You will probably be asked for a urine sample during your first visit. The urine sample is analyzed in order to give the urologist an inside look at your urinary system. It helps to go to your appointment with a full bladder by drinking 16 ounces of water an hour before the appointment. If you feel the urge to empty your bladder as soon as you arrive at the urologist’s office, inform the receptionist that you are ready to provide your urine sample before you see the doctor.

Medical History

Once you are taken into the exam room, you will be asked questions about your medical history. State your symptoms clearly. Describe when they started, their timing and their severity. Be prepared with a written list of your current medications and their actual dosages, prior imaging studies, plus any over-the-counter supplements you are taking.

Physical Exam and Diagnostic Tests

Your urologist will conduct a physical examination and run diagnostic tests to determine the cause of your problem. For men, a digital rectal exam is the standard procedure to check the prostate. Other tests, such as a urethral swab, rule out sexually transmitted diseases and blood work can check the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) level.

If you are a woman dealing with recurring urinary tract infections (UTI), the urologist may order a urinalysis and a pelvic exam. A blood panel can determine hormone levels in women with low sex drive, and a cough stress test may indicate the cause of urinary incontinence. Computed tomography (CT) scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, and sonography are also frequently relied on by urologists for testing.

Making an Informed Treatment Decision

After exams and diagnostic tests, the urologist will discuss with you the findings, help you understand your condition, and recommend possible solutions. At this stage, you should ask questions to be fully informed about your treatment options and their benefits and potential risks. Possible treatment options include physical therapy, medication or surgical procedures.

At St Pete Urology, we treat a full spectrum of urological conditions to help our patients overcome medical challenges and enjoy a better quality of life. Our compassionate, patient-friendly approach ensures that patients have a great experience with us from the very first visit.

No need to feel intimated or embarrassed when seeing a urologist. We see these issues every day and we are ready to help you. For more information about the diagnosis and treatment of urological problems, visit the St Pete Urology website.

Robotic Surgery is the Future of Urology

The medical field of urology has long embraced technology by adopting innovative equipment and techniques soon after they are developed. One technical innovation that has been at the forefront of medical treatment is robotic surgery. Presently, robot-assisted techniques account for up to 50% of urologic surgeries. And in several types of procedures, particularly in cancer therapy, robotic surgery has become the standard approach.

Growing dominance

In recent years, urology training programs have increasingly emphasized instruction in robotic systems. In fact, more than 70% of existing urology training and subspecialty fellowships focus on teaching minimally invasive laparoscopic and robotic procedures. With this continued emphasis during medical training, robotic systems are likely to become the leading method of urology surgeries.

Standard approach

Robotic surgical systems have become the standard approach in performing radical prostatectomy. When used properly, they result in reduced blood loss and scarring, decreased risk of nerve damage and preserved erectile function. Robot-assisted surgery is also the standard technique for partial and total nephrectomy (removal of the kidney). Robotic nephrectomy has a significantly shorter operating time, minimizes blood loss, and requires a shorter hospital stay than traditional open surgery.

In addition, robotic approaches have ensured that even the more technically challenging procedures are standardized, as with intra-corporeal urinary diversion and radical cystectomy. Urologists can now perform robotic cystectomy with intracorporeal diversions resulting in reduced complications.

Increased efficiency

Since urologic laparoscopic procedures are technically quite challenging, robotic systems have increasingly become the more efficient alternative. For instance, the da Vinci robotic system has finer surgical instruments that allow for smaller keyhole incisions. This gives urologists a high degree of freedom when working with very small spaces and ensures precise tissue dissection and surgical manipulations.

With da Vinci robotic surgery, the 10x magnification and high-definition imaging of internal structures ensures that nerves and tissue are unharmed. By facilitating the identification of key anatomic structures, the robotic system makes complex surgeries more successful.

Greater patient satisfaction

Robotic surgical systems have established minimally-invasive procedures as the centerpiece of urologic surgery. Urologists can now perform bladder, kidney, and prostate removal with superior pre-operative and post-operative outcomes compared to open surgery.

The benefits of the da Vinci robotic surgery have triggered a rising patient demand for robotic surgery. Most patients want a reduced risk of bleeding and shorter recovery time. With increased patient demand, robotic surgery will become even more in demand.

Revolutionized cancer therapy

Robot-assisted surgery has changed the way urological cancers are treated, allowing for the removal of bladder and kidney tumors using minimally invasive techniques. In younger patients with testicular cancer that has already spread to the lymph nodes, robotic surgery can now be used as an alternative to radiotherapy.

The da Vinci surgical procedure provides a superior prostate cancer survival rate and ensures that the prostate cancer is treated without postoperative urinary or erectile problems. It also enables urologists to conduct salvage operations on patients with recurrent cancer, helping to avoid or delay the need for chemotherapy.

At St Pete Urology, we believe robotic surgery is the future of urology. We are continually investing in cutting-edge robotic equipment and procedures that enable us to do a wide array of minimally invasive surgeries that achieve optimal outcomes for our patients. For more information on urologic disorders and surgical procedures, visit the St Pete Urology website.

The 5 Best Ways to Prevent Kidney Stones

When certain chemicals become concentrated in urine, they coalesce into crystals. The crystals then grow into larger mineral deposits called kidney stones. Most kidney stones form when calcium combines with either phosphorous or oxalate, but some form from uric acid, a byproduct of protein metabolism. Once formed, kidney stones can make their way through the urinary tract and pass from the body without problems. At other times, a stone will get stuck somewhere, block urine flow and cause intense pain.

Growing concern

Kidney stones are a rising concern. In fact, one in ten people will have kidney stones during their lifetime. Currently, up to 12% of Americans have stones and those who have had one are 50% more likely to get another within the next 10 years if no preventive measures are taken.

The passing of kidney stones is often characterized by agonizing and intolerable pain that comes in waves as the stones move through the urinary tract and out of the body. The pain may occur on one side of your back or abdomen, or it may radiate to your groin and belly area. While the severity of the pain does not necessarily relate to the size of the stone, larger stones tend to be more painful than smaller ones.

What are the 5 best ways to prevent kidney stones?

1. Drink plenty of fluids.

When you pass a lot of urine every day, you have a lower risk of developing kidney stones. The more you urinate, the lower the chance of stone-causing minerals settling and combining in your kidneys and urinary tract. Drink plenty of water to ensure you urinate up to 2 liters of urine daily. You will need roughly eight 8-ounce cups of water to achieve that. Orange juice and lemonade are also good because the citrate they contain helps prevent stone formation.

If have a history of cystine stones, engage in heavy exercise or just sweat a lot, you should drink even more water. Demanding workouts increase water loss through sweating and reduce urine output, so keep your body hydrated during and after exercise. You can tell if you are properly hydrated by the color of your urine. A clear to pale yellow urine means proper hydration while a dark color indicates a need for more fluids.

2. Increase your calcium intake.

Calcium oxalate stones are the most common kidney stones. But that does not mean you should avoid calcium-rich foods—actually the opposite is true. A low-calcium diet increases the risk of stones and osteoporosis. A calcium deficiency allows oxalate levels in urine to rise, triggering the formation of stones.

A good approach is to enhance your daily intake of calcium according your age. For instance, if you are a man 50 years or older, you need 1,000 milligrams (mg) of calcium per day, together with 800 to 1,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D to help with calcium absorption.

Calcium-rich foods include cheese, milk, and yogurt. Avoid calcium supplements as they may increase your risk of kidney stones; however, you can reduce that risk by taking supplements with your meals. It is always a good idea to speak with your doctor when considering supplements and dietary changes.

3. Eat fewer oxalate-rich foods.

Oxalate is a natural compound found in some foods. Since it binds with calcium in urine to form kidney stones, reducing oxalate-rich foods helps prevent stones from forming. Examples of foods rich in oxalate are chocolate, spinach, coffee, peanuts, beets, rhubarb, sweet potatoes, beets and wheat bran. Colas should also be avoided because they are rich in phosphate.

If you have suffered from kidney stones, your doctor may recommend you avoid these foods or consume them in smaller quantities. However, you can also eat oxalate-rich foods alongside calcium-rich foods as an alternative to avoiding them. Calcium and oxalate can bind together to actually reduce the risk of kidney stones.

4. Reduce your sodium intake.

When your diet is high in sodium, the amount of calcium in your urine increases. Sodium prevents calcium re-absorption from urine to blood, which in turn leads to high calcium in urine that may cause kidney stones. Reducing sodium intake lowers the amount of calcium in your urine.

The recommended daily limit of total sodium intake is 2,300 mg. But if sodium has contributed to your kidney stones in the past, you should reduce intake to 1,500 mg per day. Your doctor may advise that lowering sodium benefits your blood pressure as well. It is easier to lower sodium intake by avoiding foods such as:

  • Processed foods, like crackers and chips
  • Canned vegetables
  • Canned soups
  • Condiments
  • Lunch meat
  • Foods containing sodium nitrate, monosodium glutamate, or sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)

5. Limit intake of animal proteins.

Animal proteins not only raise the amount of uric acid in your body, they also increase body acid levels. Increased urine acidity promotes the formation of both uric acid and calcium oxalate stones.

Need help dealing with kidney stones?

St Pete Urology brings together a multidisciplinary team of experts in urology, nephrology and nutrition to offer a single point of care for patients with acute or recurrent kidney stones. We treat kidney stones using the latest minimally-invasive and nonsurgical procedures, including ureteroscopy, extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy and percutaneous nephrolithotomy. We also have advanced tools such as Holmium lasers and specialized ultrasound and ultrasonic equipment.

At St Pete Urology, we don’t just treat kidney stones. We aim to prevent their recurrence. Our focus is on the overall health of our patients with the goal of making their first kidney stone incident their last. For more information on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of kidney stones, visit the St Pete Urology website.

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7 Tips for Keeping a Healthy Prostate

Prostate problems are common in men over 40. The prostate, a tiny walnut-sized gland found only in males, surrounds the urethra and produces a thick, white fluid that mixes with sperm to form semen. Though smaller early in life, the gland grows bigger with age and can sometimes become enlarged or swollen by conditions such as prostate enlargement, prostatitis or prostate cancer.

All men, no matter their age, can find themselves dealing with a prostate issue, which is why every man should be concerned about his prostate health. Fortunately, there are easy ways to prevent or reduce the risk of developing prostate health problems.

Here are 7 tips for keeping your prostate healthy:

1. Eat more fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are great sources of anti-inflammatory and anticancer compounds, such as polyphenols, antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and fiber. Plants that boost prostate health are plentiful and include favorites such as tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, pink grapefruits, watermelons, papaya and guava. Equally powerful are green leafy vegetables like spinach, lettuce, spring mix and kale which contain cancer-killing ingredients such as folic acid, vitamin D, turmeric and curcumin. Be sure to add fruits and vegetables to your everyday meals to boost your prostate health!

2. Eat more plant proteins and cut down on animal fat

You should avoid diets that are high in animal fat, including dairy products and red meat. Heavy consumption of red meat increases your risk of prostate cancer. So go for lean proteins, such as fish and chicken, but avoid grilled meat since grilling produces carcinogens that can inflame your prostate. Instead try baking, steaming, or broiling your meat.

High animal fat intake reduces antioxidant production in the body. And since it is the antioxidants that help to maintain a healthy prostate, excess fat diminishes prostate health. A good option for a healthy prostate is fish, which contains omega-3 acids that minimize the risk of prostate problems. Fish such as tuna, herring or salmon are good choices, but if fish is not your thing, then walnuts and flaxseed can be great sources of omega-3 acids.

Ideally, you should go for whole, natural foods that provide a lot of fiber. Soy is also good for your prostate and you can get it through sources like soy nuts, soy flour or tofu. Likewise, you should eat foods rich in selenium such as wheat germ, tuna, beef liver, eggs, sunflower, cashews, sesame seeds, mushrooms, onions, garlic and kidneys. Selenium boosts prostate health and minimizes the risk of prostate cancer.

3. Achieve a healthy weight

Obesity has been associated with various prostate health issues, including prostate cancer. If you are overweight, cutting back your weight, particularly abdominal fat, reduces the risk of BPH. In fact, if you desire to shrink your prostate size and get relief from annoying urinary symptoms, weight loss is valuable. Weight loss also helps reduce the risk of prostate cancer and relieves prostatitis.

4. Regular exercise

Moderate or vigorous activity minimizes the risk of BPH, urinary tract symptoms and prostatitis. Regular exercise also decreases stress, releases tension, improves immune function and maintains healthy hormone levels, all of which are important for a healthy prostate.

Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate or intense physical activity every day. Try walking, swimming, running or bicycling, and make sure your exercise routine is not boring by varying your activities and even inviting friends to join you.

5. Drink tea

Both green tea and hibiscus tea contain potent antioxidants. Studies show that regular intake of tea helps with prostatitis, BPH and prostate cancer. Green tea also slows down the growth of aggressive prostate cancer.

Make sure to choose caffeine free sources of tea since caffeine irritates both the prostate and bladder and worsens symptoms of prostatitis. As a measure to cut down on caffeine intake, make sure to reduce energy drinks, coffee and soda.

Like tea, water is also great for the prostate. Drinking plenty of water will help you remain hydrated and enjoy normal prostate function. Make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day, and to increase water intake during and after exercise.

6. Avoid smoking

Smoking affects every cell in your body. In fact, when cigarettes are burned, they are complete carcinogens. While smoking has less effect on low-grade or benign prostate cancer, it increases the risk of fatal prostate cancer. The heaviest smokers have 24-30 percent higher risk of death from prostate cancer than non-smokers. Smoking also increases the risk of prostate cancer progress after diagnosis.

Studies also show that smoking indirectly promotes benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and increases prostate inflammation. Apart from smoking, alcohol use and inadequate sleep may adversely affect your prostate health. Also, a healthy sex life is good for your prostate.

7. Talk to your doctor

Do you have family history of prostate cancer? Let your doctor know. Remember that having a father or brother who has had prostate cancer more than doubles your risk of developing the disease. Speak with your doctor about your risk of prostate issues and explore the medical screening tests you should undergo as you age, follow dietary recommendations and be alert to any risk factors.
If you intend to begin a new exercise program, make sure to inform your urologist about it. Your doctor should know if you are experiencing symptoms such as:

  • Discomfort or pain anywhere in your rectal or pelvic area
  • Blood in your urine or semen
  • Difficulty or pain when urinating

Are you or your loved one suffering from a prostate problem? St Pete Urology offers specialty urology services in a state-of-the-art facility and surgery center in St. Petersburg, Florida. We provide the latest innovations in surgical techniques and medical technology, delivering comprehensive care to those with urologic conditions. For more information about the prostate gland, BPH and prostate cancer, visit the St Pete Urology website.

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What are the early signs of erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get or keep an erection that is strong enough for satisfactory sexual intercourse. That means even if you have no problem getting an erection, you could still have early stage erectile dysfunction if you are not able to achieve sexual satisfaction.

Early signs of erectile dysfunction

Occasional or intermittent sexual problems do not necessarily indicate erectile dysfunction. But you could have ED if the following are persistent:

  • Reduced desire for sex
  • Inability to get an erection
  • Inability to maintain an erection
  • Softer erections
  • Lack of nighttime and early morning erections

Most men suffer from erectile problems at some point in their lives. When the symptoms are only occasional, it is not considered erectile dysfunction. But if they gradually and consistently gets worse, there is probably a physical cause—which is generally what happens in chronic erectile dysfunction. If the problem occurs suddenly, but the man can still have erections early in the morning and when masturbating, that suggests a mental cause, though something could be going on physically as well.

You should speak with a urologist about your sexual problems if:

Erectile dysfunction worries you enough to cause anxiety or threaten your relationship. The urologist will clear up the misinformation that could make your sexual problems worse and prescribe medication to help you through a rough patch.

  • It is painful to get an erection or you find it difficult because your penis is curved (a condition called Peyronie’s disease).
  • The problem is persistent and doesn’t go away. It could be a sign of a more serious underlying condition such as diabetes or coronary artery disease.
  • Since causes of erectile dysfunction vary, and you may need a multi-teatment approach, seeing a urologist gives you the best chance of recovering quickly from the condition. Your doctor will help you determine the cause of your symptoms and then recommend treatment which may include lifestyle modifications, counseling, prescription medications (Viagra, Cialis, Levitra or Stendra), testosterone replacement, Alprostadil self-injection, Alprostadil urethral suppository, penis pump or penile implants.

At St Pete Urology, we understand that erectile dysfunction is frustrating and can have a profound impact on relationships and self-esteem. We also recognize that few men want to speak about their inability to get or maintain an erection. Each of our urologists is skilled, knowledgeable and experienced in helping men with this condition. We have a friendly and compassionate patient-centered approach that makes consultations confidential and beneficial. For more information about the treatment of erectile dysfunction and other urological problems, visit the St Pete Urology website.

What are the two major functions of the testes?

The testicles are the male reproductive organ. These oval-shaped organs are located in the scrotum just below the penis. The testicles have two primary functions: The first is to produce sperm and the second is to produce and discharge hormones, primarily testosterone. These two functions make them an indispensable part of the male reproductive system.

The testicles are continuously making sperm. Male testicles can produce up to 200,000 sperm per minute and can make several million sperm per day. This may seem like an overabundance, but each ejaculation releases anywhere between 20 and 300 million sperm cells, making all that hard work necessary. A full sperm production cycle can take 64 days and in that time the testicles will produce up to 8 billion sperm.

Androgens, the hormones produced in the testicles, play an important role in many aspects of a man’s life. These hormones control the development of masculine features. For instance, deeper voice and beard hair growth can be linked to androgens. The hormone called testosterone also plays a vital role in male reproduction. Testosterone drives genital growth and the sperm production that takes place in the testicles.

Maintaining good health is important to ensuring the testicles are able to perform their functions properly. Evidence shows that poor health can lead to lower sperm counts and weakened testosterone production. Some research shows that male infertility increases by 10 percent for every 20 pounds that a man is overweight. Unhealthy lifestyle factors like smoking, heavy drinking and stress can also affect the testicles’ ability to perform their functions.

Given the importance of testicle functions, it is important to pay attention to the diseases and conditions that occur in them. One of the most serious conditions is testicular cancer. This cancer is tends to affect younger men between 15 and 34 years of age, and although it is not common, it is important to be aware of it and check one’s testicles somewhat regularly. According to the American Cancer Society, about 410 deaths a year in the United Stated will be caused by this form of cancer.

Because the testicles are a part of the male reproductive system, a urologist is the doctor to see if any symptoms arise that indicate a problem. Men who have health concerns can make and appointment at St Pete Urology and meet a highly skilled uologist who is dedicated to improving reprouctive health and quality of life for his patients.

How do you keep your prostate healthy?

Prostate health is an important part of overall health for men. The prostate is a walnut-sized gland situated between the bladder and the penis. The urethra, the tube through which urine exits the body, runs through the prostate. One of the prostate’s main functions is producing a fluid that nourishes and protects sperm. For men, the prostate is an important part of both the urinary and reproductive systems.

The prostate is also the organ where the most common form of cancer for men develops. This cancer affects many men and the chances of developing it increase with age. The prostate also grows in size as men age. The rate and side effects of this growth can vary, but the most common symptoms are difficulty urinating and having to urinate frequently.

Given the importance of the prostate’s role and how easily it can develop problems, good prostate health is important. Luckily, there are simple lifestyle changes that can help improve prostate and overall health. These changes start with diet and exercise. There is a great deal of evidence that diet can help determine prostate health as well as cancer risk. It is recommended to have at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Whole-grain bread and pastas are also recommended.

Protein is an important food group and eating the right kinds of protein plays a big role in prostate health. It is recommended to limit the intake of red and processed meats. Healthier sources of protein include fish, chicken, beans and eggs. Like protein, consuming the right fats is important, too. Healthy fats from olive oil, nuts, and avocados are much better than fats from animal byproducts or the trans fats found in fast food.

Sugar, salt and exercise play a role in prostate health as well. Sugary drinks like soda should be limited or cut out completely. Sweets in general should be an occasional treat, not a food group in your diet. Salt intake should be cut down for prostate health and keep in mind that most processed foods are very high in salt content.

Exercise is also important for maintaining good prostate health. There is evidence that regular exercise helps bring down the risk of stroke, heart disease and certain types of cancer.

Small changes to diet and exercise can add up to big health improvements, but there is still more you can do. Another important tool in keeping your prostate healthy is having a good relationship with your urologist. Yearly prostate exams and an open dialogue with a trusted urologist is key to maintaining prostate health and resolving issues early, before they turn into serious health problems. The urologists at St Pete Urology are dedicated to helping you keep your prostate healthy.