7 Tips for Keeping a Healthy Prostate

Prostate problems are common in men over 40. The prostate, a tiny walnut-sized gland found only in males, surrounds the urethra and produces a thick, white fluid that mixes with sperm to form semen. Though smaller early in life, the gland grows bigger with age and can sometimes become enlarged or swollen by conditions such as prostate enlargement, prostatitis or prostate cancer.

All men, no matter their age, can find themselves dealing with a prostate issue, which is why every man should be concerned about his prostate health. Fortunately, there are easy ways to prevent or reduce the risk of developing prostate health problems.

Here are 7 tips for keeping your prostate healthy:

1. Eat more fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are great sources of anti-inflammatory and anticancer compounds, such as polyphenols, antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and fiber. Plants that boost prostate health are plentiful and include favorites such as tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, pink grapefruits, watermelons, papaya and guava. Equally powerful are green leafy vegetables like spinach, lettuce, spring mix and kale which contain cancer-killing ingredients such as folic acid, vitamin D, turmeric and curcumin. Be sure to add fruits and vegetables to your everyday meals to boost your prostate health!

2. Eat more plant proteins and cut down on animal fat

You should avoid diets that are high in animal fat, including dairy products and red meat. Heavy consumption of red meat increases your risk of prostate cancer. So go for lean proteins, such as fish and chicken, but avoid grilled meat since grilling produces carcinogens that can inflame your prostate. Instead try baking, steaming, or broiling your meat.

High animal fat intake reduces antioxidant production in the body. And since it is the antioxidants that help to maintain a healthy prostate, excess fat diminishes prostate health. A good option for a healthy prostate is fish, which contains omega-3 acids that minimize the risk of prostate problems. Fish such as tuna, herring or salmon are good choices, but if fish is not your thing, then walnuts and flaxseed can be great sources of omega-3 acids.

Ideally, you should go for whole, natural foods that provide a lot of fiber. Soy is also good for your prostate and you can get it through sources like soy nuts, soy flour or tofu. Likewise, you should eat foods rich in selenium such as wheat germ, tuna, beef liver, eggs, sunflower, cashews, sesame seeds, mushrooms, onions, garlic and kidneys. Selenium boosts prostate health and minimizes the risk of prostate cancer.

3. Achieve a healthy weight

Obesity has been associated with various prostate health issues, including prostate cancer. If you are overweight, cutting back your weight, particularly abdominal fat, reduces the risk of BPH. In fact, if you desire to shrink your prostate size and get relief from annoying urinary symptoms, weight loss is valuable. Weight loss also helps reduce the risk of prostate cancer and relieves prostatitis.

4. Regular exercise

Moderate or vigorous activity minimizes the risk of BPH, urinary tract symptoms and prostatitis. Regular exercise also decreases stress, releases tension, improves immune function and maintains healthy hormone levels, all of which are important for a healthy prostate.

Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate or intense physical activity every day. Try walking, swimming, running or bicycling, and make sure your exercise routine is not boring by varying your activities and even inviting friends to join you.

5. Drink tea

Both green tea and hibiscus tea contain potent antioxidants. Studies show that regular intake of tea helps with prostatitis, BPH and prostate cancer. Green tea also slows down the growth of aggressive prostate cancer.

Make sure to choose caffeine free sources of tea since caffeine irritates both the prostate and bladder and worsens symptoms of prostatitis. As a measure to cut down on caffeine intake, make sure to reduce energy drinks, coffee and soda.

Like tea, water is also great for the prostate. Drinking plenty of water will help you remain hydrated and enjoy normal prostate function. Make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day, and to increase water intake during and after exercise.

6. Avoid smoking

Smoking affects every cell in your body. In fact, when cigarettes are burned, they are complete carcinogens. While smoking has less effect on low-grade or benign prostate cancer, it increases the risk of fatal prostate cancer. The heaviest smokers have 24-30 percent higher risk of death from prostate cancer than non-smokers. Smoking also increases the risk of prostate cancer progress after diagnosis.

Studies also show that smoking indirectly promotes benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and increases prostate inflammation. Apart from smoking, alcohol use and inadequate sleep may adversely affect your prostate health. Also, a healthy sex life is good for your prostate.

7. Talk to your doctor

Do you have family history of prostate cancer? Let your doctor know. Remember that having a father or brother who has had prostate cancer more than doubles your risk of developing the disease. Speak with your doctor about your risk of prostate issues and explore the medical screening tests you should undergo as you age, follow dietary recommendations and be alert to any risk factors.
If you intend to begin a new exercise program, make sure to inform your urologist about it. Your doctor should know if you are experiencing symptoms such as:

  • Discomfort or pain anywhere in your rectal or pelvic area
  • Blood in your urine or semen
  • Difficulty or pain when urinating

Are you or your loved one suffering from a prostate problem? St Pete Urology offers specialty urology services in a state-of-the-art facility and surgery center in St. Petersburg, Florida. We provide the latest innovations in surgical techniques and medical technology, delivering comprehensive care to those with urologic conditions. For more information about the prostate gland, BPH and prostate cancer, visit the St Pete Urology website.

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Long Term Risks of Vasectomy

Vasectomy is a one-time male contraception procedure that provides 99.9 percent efficacy in preventing pregnancies. It offers permanent contraception and, compared to the female procedure of tubal ligation, vasectomy is:

  • Simpler.
  • More effective.
  • Safer, with fewer complications to patients.
  • Much less expensive.
  • Conveniently performed on an outpatient basis.

Following a vasectomy, you will find sex with your partner more spontaneous and enjoyable. After all, you will no longer have to worry about a potential pregnancy or need to interrupt pleasure to apply contraception.

So what are the long-term benefits and risks of a vasectomy?

Vasectomy is typically performed on younger men in their thirties and forties. These men still have many years of their lives during which long-term health effects might appear.

Luckily, medical studies have examined the long-term health impact of vasectomy and the evidence suggests there are no significant risks. In fact, men who have undergone vasectomy have basically the same risk of developing heart disease, cancer, or other health problems as those who have not.

Let us now consider the specific issues.

1. Vasectomy and testosterone levels

Vasectomy does not affect the secretion and release of testosterone—the male hormone responsible for facial hair, sex drive, deep voice and other masculine traits. Hormonal tests in those who have had a vasectomy show that there is no significant change in both free and total testosterone. Hormone levels in the body remain within normal range. There is also no significant difference in testicular or epididymal size after a vasectomy.

2. Vasectomy and sexual function

Can a vasectomy affect your sexuality negatively? Studies indicate there is no such effect. Apart from changing your fertility, a vasectomy will not influence your sexual and reproductive physiology. The nerves that are critical for erectile function and ejaculation remain intact and you will still achieve normal erections, climax and produce the same amount of ejaculate—only that your semen will not have sperm.

The procedure will not diminish your libido, which is related to various hormones in the body that are not altered by the surgery. Even your sperm production remains normal except that they are reabsorbed in the body. So the only change you are likely to have is ability to enjoy yourself without the worry of pregnancy.

3. Pain, discomfort and abscesses

The cause of post-vasectomy pain syndrome is unclear, but on rare occasions when it occurs, it can be a challenging urological problem. An estimated 1-2 percent of men experience chronic scrotal pain after a vasectomy that ranges from a dull, aching sensation to a sharp, biting pain. There is no single treatment for the pain, but your urology will tailor a solution for you should it occur, and it will rarely require further surgery to reduce or correct.

Abscesses are quite rare after a vasectomy, but they may occur. In typical cases, they result from post-operation infection at the surgical site. Fortunately, most respond to treatment with antibiotics and eventually resolve. However, when left untreated, the abscesses can fill with fluid and may need to be drained. So if you suspect you have an abscess after a vasectomy, you should see your urologist immediately to stop the condition from getting worse.

4. Epididymitis

In 1-3 percent of men who undergo vasectomy, inflammation of the epididymis may occur—a condition called epididymitis. The epididymis is a duct found behind the testicles that allows flow of sperm to the vas deferens. It is highly coiled and very narrow; since sperm still flows through the epididymis to the vas deferens after a vasectomy, the duct may get inflamed when the sperm get backed up as the vas deferens is already severed.

Inflammation of the gland is rare, but is often characterized by tenderness, pain and swelling. Some urologists recommend anti-inflammatory drugs to help with epididymitis, though the swelling should be gone within a week or so after surgery. If it gets worse after the first week, speak with your urologist about it.

5. Sperm granulomas

Cutting the vas deferens during a vasectomy ensures sperm is stopped from reaching scrotal tissues. In some cases, however, the sperm may leak through the cut vas deferens into scrotal tissues. When this occurs, the sperm may form a hard, occasionally painful lump or mass, the size of a pea, called granuloma in the scrotal tissue.

Once formed, a lump can cause small bumps or cysts, which range in size from 1 millimeter to 1 centimeter. Lumps may also produce multiple lesions that tend not to produce symptoms, though some men may experience pain at the granuloma areas. Studies estimate that 15-40 percent of men undergoing vasectomy have sperm granulomas.

While sperm granulomas are not usually dangerous and often gets absorbed by the body, some cause pain and swelling in the genital region. Actually, the entire area may become sensitive to temperature and pressure changes. Most granulomas respond to anti-inflammatory drugs and the sensitivity and swelling subsides within a week after treatment. But in some extremely rare cases, reverse vasectomy may be necessary if the leakage does not stop and the swelling becomes increasingly worse.

6. Vasovenous fistula

This is another rare risk of vasectomy. It occurs when several blood vessels adhere to the vas deferens injured when vasectomy is done. It can cause pooling of blood vessels leading to development of a fistula, or abnormal association between the vas deferens and close by blood vessels. The symptoms of vasovenous fistula may include blood in ejaculate or urine. Although the risk is quite rare, you need to seek immediate medical attention should these symptoms occur.

7. Immune based illnesses

Some men may have immune reactions to the sperm that gets absorbed in their bodies after a vasectomy. The effect is the possibility of immune reactions that may lead to heart disease and other immune-based illnesses. However, many extensive studies have concluded that a vasectomy does not lead to immune-based illnesses or heart disease later in life. In fact, studies show that the risk of immune-based illnesses is so insignificant that it should not concern either the urologist or the patient.

8. Vasectomy and cancer

One serious concern has been the possibility of a vasectomy increasing the risk of having prostate or testicular cancer. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1993 suggested that 20 years or more after a vasectomy, men who have undergone the procedure are twice as likely to develop prostate cancer compared to men of the same age group who have not undergone the procedure.

However, reviews of the study by the medical community have since demonstrated that the study did not include enough participants and the findings are therefore not statistically significant. In fact, compared to other studies that have used PSA tests to establish the possible risk of prostate cancer, the general consensus is that vasectomy comes with no increased risk of the cancer.

The risk of prostate cancer among men who have and those who have not undergone the procedure is the same when PSA tests are combined with digital rectal exam, ultrasound or prostate biopsy. Therefore, as a rule, men should undergo prostate cancer screening whether or not they have had a vasectomy. Likewise, there have been no reports of increased risk of testicular cancer after a vasectomy.

At St Pete Urology, we have offered vasectomy services for decades and we are proud of the results. The procedure has minimal long-term risks compared to other surgical procedures and provides men the freedom to enjoy sex without having to worry about a possible pregnancy. And the risk of prostate cancer, testicular cancer, heart disease, immune-based illnesses and other conditions are too insignificant to stop you from having a vasectomy.

We are ready to answer all your vasectomy related questions and concerns during your consultation. For more information, schedule a consultation or visit the St Pete Urology website.

5 Things You Need to Know About Men’s Sexual Health

5 Things You Need To Know About Men's Sexual Health Image

Sex is a critical part of life. It helps in the perpetuation of species and provides an amazing source of pleasure. It ensures intimacy between partners while making bonds stronger and unions enduring. It is also a wonderful form of exercise that releases stress, gets rid of anxiety, boosts prostate health and improves overall health.

What is sexual health?

It is the state of wellbeing that enables a man to engage in and derive pleasure from sexual activity. You are sexually healthy if you have sexual desire (libido), can get and sustain an erection, and can participate in satisfactory sexual intercourse. Sex is a hormone-driven activity that begins at puberty and lasts your entire life.

On average, couples have sex once a week. Each sexual encounter typically lasts 15-30 minutes, though the actual penetration time averages 2 minutes. If you are in a relationship, you may be having less sex than you want due to a lack of intimacy or time. But by working on communication and spending quality time together, you and your partner can improve your intimacy and have a more gratifying sex life.

What should you know about men’s sexual health?

Sexual health in men is affected by a number of physical, psychological, social and interpersonal factors. For example, physiological changes can impact both the desire and the ability to have sex, while emotional and mental factors can determine the satisfaction achieved during sexual intercourse.

As a man, the knowledge of the following male sexual health issues can enable you to achieve better sexual and overall health.

Aging and sexual health

With increasing age, changes are bound to occur in your sexual function, most of which are normal. But even in your 80’s, you should still be able to enjoy sex and intimacy in your relationship. Nevertheless, one frequent effect of aging on sexual health is loss of libido (sex drive)—often due to decreasing testosterone levels. Loss of libido means you have reduced interest in sexual activity or diminished sexual thoughts. You can also lose your libido because of stress, anxiety, relationship issues, side effects of medication or some medical conditions.

If you are experiencing a reduced drive for sex, look out for the symptoms so you can describe them correctly when you speak with your urologist. One way to deal with reduced sexual urge is to take more time in direct stimulation or foreplay. For changes that occur drastically or refuse to go away after sex therapy, work with your urologist to differentiate normal from abnormal changes and receive proper treatment.

As a rule, do not assume that every change that occurs in your sexual function is because you are growing older. After age 40, make sure you are aware of the following health indicators:

  • Cholesterol levels
  • Blood pressure
  • Blood sugar levels
  • Testosterone levels
  • PSA (Prostate-specific antigen) levels

Erectile dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) means you are not able to get and maintain an erection that is firm enough for satisfactory sexual intercourse. It is a common sexual health issue affecting up to 50% of men above the age of 40. You may experience erectile dysfunction because of blood flow problems such as vascular disease or blood pressure, which are quite common among aging men. But other factors such as certain medications, use of alcohol and drugs, smoking and surgeries involving prostate cancer may also cause impotence.

Fortunately, medications treat 50-70% of ED cases effectively. However, if your condition does not improve with medication, your urologist can apply various non-surgical techniques to promote blood flow. There are also surgical options such as penile prostheses or implants. Surgery is not advisable as initial treatment; but when done as a last resort it usually delivers satisfactory results.

In some cases, erectile dysfunction is not due to a detectable physiological problem. Your urologist will evaluate your condition in terms of emotional or mental well-being and may recommend you work with a sex therapist. Stress, anxiety, depression or other emotional or psychological problems can often be alleviated by therapist who encourages a comfortable, honest and confidential discussion of the problem.

Peyronie’s disease

Peyronie’s disease develops when scar tissue or plaque occurs inside the erectile tissue of the penis. Though the actual cause of scar tissue formation is unknown, many men have suffered the condition following a minor trauma that elicited bleeding inside the penis. The resulting plaque is usually benign and noncancerous, but it tends to cause the bending of the penis downward or upward depending on its location.

Men with Peyronie’s disease usually experience pain during an erection and find it difficult to have sex. If you have this problem, you need to see a urologist for a timely diagnosis and treatment. The condition is diagnosed using an ultrasound exam which gives a clear picture of the erectile anatomy and function. Most cases of the disease are mild and the initial pain disappears within 6-12 months, allowing patients to return to normal sexual activity. Urologists treat remaining plaques using personalized treatment plans.

Ejaculation disorders

Ejaculation issues in men include premature ejaculation, inhibited (delayed) ejaculation and retrograde ejaculation. When you have premature ejaculation it means you are not able to delay ejaculation until the point when it is mutually desirable for you and your sex partner. It is the most frequent ejaculation issue, particularly among younger men.

Inhibited ejaculation means your ejaculation occurs slowly or never happens at all. Both premature and inhibited ejaculations have psychological causes, such as anxiety about sex, performance or trauma. But there are techniques that can be used to overcome these issues and a qualified therapist can help you. Speak with your urologist for treatment and referral to a sex therapist when necessary.
Retrograde ejaculation means the ejaculate is forced back into your bladder instead of through the urethra and out of the end of the penis at orgasm. It can be due to nerve damage, side effects of medication or surgery for bladder or prostate.

When you experience retrograde ejaculation, your urologist will change your existing medications or prescribe new ones to treat the issue. However, if the problem is caused by surgery, it might not be correctable. But that should not worry you as treatment is not usually medically necessary with retrograde ejaculation unless pregnancy is your goal.

Vasectomy is permanent contraception

Vasectomy is a simple, effective and minimally invasive surgical procedure offered as a permanent method of birth control. The 30-minute procedure involves cutting tubes that transport sperm within the male reproductive system.

The procedure does not affect the sexual health of a man and is very effective in preventing pregnancy. While vasectomy can be undone, the reversal is quite complex and comes with a lower chance of success. The time to undergo a vasectomy is when you are sure you no longer need to make your partner pregnant, for whatever reason, and consider it as a permanent method of birth control.

At St Pete Urology, we offer timely help to men with sexual health issues. We believe that speaking about these issues with a skilled and experienced urologist will help you resolve them. We also remind our clients that any sexual health issue that lasts several months may be an indicator of a more serious underlying medical issue that needs to be treated.

For instance, premature ejaculation may be due to nerve damage, medication or underlying urinary conditions. Problems with libido or erection may be the first indicator of diabetes or hormonal imbalance; while problems with erection may be due to underlying prostate cancer or cardiovascular issues. Hence, seeing a urologist for your sexual health may help uncover a potentially life-threatening condition.

Of course, there is also a connection between your overall health and your sexual health. In fact, hormonal, cardiovascular, neurological and psychological systems all contribute to your sexual performance. A healthy lifestyle that includes a good diet, healthy weight and regular exercise will promote your overall health while enhancing your sexual health and performance. For more information on men’s sexual health issues, visit the St Pete Urology website.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Testosterone is a sex hormone found in humans, with men having much higher levels than women. Production of the hormone usually increases during puberty in order to help with the development of adult male physical features. Testosterone also helps maintain various critical bodily functions in men, including muscle strength and mass, body and facial hair, mood, deeper voice, red cell production, bone density, fat distribution, sperm production, erections and sex drive. In fact, due to the role of the hormone in various bodily functions, a decline in its levels can cause significant undesirable changes.

What is low testosterone?

When men have low testosterone levels, the condition is called “low-T” or hypogonadism. The bottom limit of normal testosterone in men is around 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) while the upper limit is about 900ng/dL depending on the lab. Low testosterone results in a lower-than-normal score from a blood test. Although testosterone production increases sharply during puberty, it usually decreases after age 30 at an estimated rate of 1% per year. This decrease results in low testosterone levels in about 4 out of 10 men above the age of 45, 2 out of 10 men over 60, 3 in 10 men over 70, and 3 in 10 men over 80 years of age. Nevertheless, the age at which testosterone deficiency first appears varies widely. Some men feeling great into their 70’s while a minority requires testosterone replacement therapy in their 20’s or even in their teens.

What are the symptoms of low testosterone?

  1. Diminished sexual function

Since testosterone is responsible for sex drive and high libido in men, a drop in hormone levels may result in a decreased desire for sex, a slightly lower sperm count, infertility, fewer and weaker spontaneous erections, increased refractory period after ejaculation and decreased sexual performance. Although erectile dysfunction (inability to achieve or maintain an erection) may not necessarily be caused by insufficient testosterone, if it accompanies low-T then hormone replacement therapy can help to treat the condition. The adverse effects of low-T should not occur suddenly. If they do, other underlying issues should be investigated and treated by a urologist or physician.

  1. Adverse physical changes

Since testosterone is responsible for increasing muscle mass, maintaining body and facial hair and contributing to the overall masculine form, a man with low testosterone will gradually experience physical changes. Such changes may include fragile bones, decreased strength and endurance, reduced muscle mass, increased fatigue, decreased body hair, hot flashes, tenderness or swelling in the breast tissue, frequent back pain, increased body fat, increased build-up of bad cholesterol, development of male breasts (gynecomastia) and increased risk of heart attack.

  1. Mental and emotional problems

Low-T can affect a man mentally and emotionally. For instance, a man with low testosterone may experience memory problems, difficulty concentrating (brain fog), sleep disturbances, frequent feelings of sadness and depression, irritability, mood swings, diminished self-confidence and reduced motivation. An accumulation of these mental and emotional challenges may degrade a man’s overall sense of well-being and adversely affect his quality of life.

Why should you see a urologist?

Men experiencing these symptoms should see a doctor for advice and treatment. The symptoms described above are not unique to low testosterone levels and could also be the normal side effects of aging or the effects of another serious condition such as thyroid malfunction, injury to testicles, testicular cancer, infection, HIV, type II diabetes, alcohol use, pituitary gland problems, genetic abnormalities affecting the testicles, or side effects of certain medications. By visiting a urologist, you will be examined, tested and treated for the correct condition causing the symptoms.

At St Pete Urology, we have skilled and experienced board-certified urologists who can give you proper advice on managing the symptoms of low-T. We will determine your testosterone level through a blood test and effectively treat the symptoms, allowing you to feel your best throughout your life. For more information on treatment of low-T, visit the St Pete Urology website.

What color is urine when kidneys are failing?

Kidney failure is a condition in which one or both kidneys can no longer work on their own. It may be due to an acute injury to the kidneys or a chronic disease that gradually causes them to stop functioning. When kidneys are healthy, they clean the blood by removing excess fluid, minerals and wastes. But when they are failing, harmful wastes build up in the body and excess fluid is retained, changing the appearance, amount and number of times urine is passed.

Clues from urine color

Urine can provide a lot of information about what is going on in the body, including kidney failure. It can be all sorts of colors, from pale yellow to amber, and even pink, orange or green. For healthy urine, the color ranges from pale yellow to amber-colored, depending on the body’s hydration level. Pale yellow urine means high hydration while dark amber means more concentrated urine, indicating dehydration.

The pigment called urobilin (urochrome) causes the yellow color in urine. The kidney filters out this byproduct from the bloodstream and removes it from the body in urine. The more fluids you drink, the lighter the color of this pigment in urine. The less you drink, the stronger the color. For example, during pregnancy there is 50% increase in blood volume, so urine tends to be clearer and more diluted during pregnancy.

What urine colors are abnormal?

Paying attention to the color of urine can make you aware of your kidney health and alert you to the need for a medical checkup. Clear to yellow urine is normal and indicates normal kidney function, while odd colors such as orange or blue may be due to certain medications such as laxatives, antidepressants and antibiotics. But there are two colors that you must take seriously: red and dark brown.

Pink or red urine means red blood cells are present in urine. These colors may be a sign of infection, kidney stones or even cancer. Dark brown urine could mean you are extremely dehydrated, but if you drink plenty of fluid and the urine is still brown then you may have muscle breakdown, kidney disease or kidney failure.

What is the color of urine when kidneys are failing?

When kidneys are failing, the increased concentration and accumulation of substances in urine lead to a darker color which may be brown, red or purple. The color change is due to abnormal protein or sugar, high levels of red and white blood cells, and high numbers of tube-shaped particles called cellular casts. The presence of blood in urine may make urine appear red or the color of tea or cola. Dark brown urine occurs in kidney failure due to the buildup of waste products in urine or urinating less often and in smaller amounts than usual.

Foaming or fizzing urine may also be a sign of kidney failure, though foam is not a color and usually occurs due to increased protein in urine or kidney disease. Foamy urine indicates a diminished ability of the kidney to filter and clean the blood.

Treatment of kidney failure

Kidney failure can be a debilitating and life threatening condition with symptoms such as lethargy, weakness, generalized swelling, shortness of breath, congestive heart failure and fatal heart rhythm disturbances. If your kidney is failing, treatment of the underlying disease may be the first step in correcting the problem.

Many causes of kidney failure are treatable and visiting a urologist will ensure the underlying condition is diagnosed and treated to restore normal function. The urologist may also plan for control of blood pressure, diabetes or other underlying conditions as a way of preventing chronic kidney disease. But in some situations, kidney failure is progressive and irreversible. When that happens, the only treatment options are dialysis or transplant, each with benefits and drawbacks.

Whatever treatment your urologist recommends, you will need to make some changes in your life, including how you eat and plan your activities. With the help of your urologist, family and friends, you can continue to lead a full and active life. For more information on symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and management of kidney failure, visit the St Pete Urology website.

Benefits of Testosterone Therapy

Low testosterone can diminish a man’s sex drive, energy, motivation and performance. This is why testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is recommended for men whose blood levels of the hormone testosterone have fallen below the normal range. Additional symptoms of low testosterone may include facial and body hair loss, decreased muscle mass and fatigue or irritability and anger. Supplemental testosterone administered by gel, injection or skin patches can restore hormone levels back to normal and enhance both physical and mental health.

What is a normal testosterone level?

The normal levels of testosterone for men range from 300 to 900 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). When levels fall within this range, there is little to be gained from testosterone therapy. However, this range is only for total amount of testosterone and does not present the whole picture.

Urologists will also measure what is called free testosterone, the amount of testosterone that is active in a man’s body at a given time. A man with a normal range of total testosterone may still experience classic symptoms of low testosterone if his free testosterone level is low. Free testosterone level is the better indicator of whether treatment will be beneficial.

Benefits of testosterone therapy

Low free testosterone is a major factor in sex difficulties for men which is why testosterone replacement therapy can be an effective way to renew interest in sex and boost the ability to achieve and maintain an erection and orgasm. In addition, restoring normal testosterone through treatment has several benefits beyond sexual performance.

According to several medical studies, testosterone therapy can reduce the health problems related to diabetes, osteoporosis, metabolic syndrome and even obesity. Treating low testosterone helps to strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis. There is also evidence that testosterone boosts blood sugar control and aids in preventing diabetes. Likewise, testosterone therapy can improve anemia and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disorders.

Testosterone also plays a critical role in how long a man lives. Studies have shown that there is a link between low free testosterone and shorter life expectancy in men. This link may be due to the role testosterone plays in reducing fat in the body while increasing muscle mass, indicating that the therapy is good for overall health.

Should you try testosterone replacement therapy?

If you are experiencing problems associated with low testosterone and considering this treatment, it is important to see your urologist or physician first to discuss whether the therapy will benefit you. A urologist will review your medical history, perform an examination and order tests for both total and free testosterone before suggesting a treatment that can dramatically improve your quality of life. For more information, visit the St Pete Urology website.

What are the early signs of erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get or keep an erection that is strong enough for satisfactory sexual intercourse. That means even if you have no problem getting an erection, you could still have early stage erectile dysfunction if you are not able to achieve sexual satisfaction.

Early signs of erectile dysfunction

Occasional or intermittent sexual problems do not necessarily indicate erectile dysfunction. But you could have ED if the following are persistent:

  • Reduced desire for sex
  • Inability to get an erection
  • Inability to maintain an erection
  • Softer erections
  • Lack of nighttime and early morning erections

Most men suffer from erectile problems at some point in their lives. When the symptoms are only occasional, it is not considered erectile dysfunction. But if they gradually and consistently gets worse, there is probably a physical cause—which is generally what happens in chronic erectile dysfunction. If the problem occurs suddenly, but the man can still have erections early in the morning and when masturbating, that suggests a mental cause, though something could be going on physically as well.

You should speak with a urologist about your sexual problems if:

Erectile dysfunction worries you enough to cause anxiety or threaten your relationship. The urologist will clear up the misinformation that could make your sexual problems worse and prescribe medication to help you through a rough patch.

  • It is painful to get an erection or you find it difficult because your penis is curved (a condition called Peyronie’s disease).
  • The problem is persistent and doesn’t go away. It could be a sign of a more serious underlying condition such as diabetes or coronary artery disease.
  • Since causes of erectile dysfunction vary, and you may need a multi-teatment approach, seeing a urologist gives you the best chance of recovering quickly from the condition. Your doctor will help you determine the cause of your symptoms and then recommend treatment which may include lifestyle modifications, counseling, prescription medications (Viagra, Cialis, Levitra or Stendra), testosterone replacement, Alprostadil self-injection, Alprostadil urethral suppository, penis pump or penile implants.

At St Pete Urology, we understand that erectile dysfunction is frustrating and can have a profound impact on relationships and self-esteem. We also recognize that few men want to speak about their inability to get or maintain an erection. Each of our urologists is skilled, knowledgeable and experienced in helping men with this condition. We have a friendly and compassionate patient-centered approach that makes consultations confidential and beneficial. For more information about the treatment of erectile dysfunction and other urological problems, visit the St Pete Urology website.

What are the two major functions of the testes?

The testicles are the male reproductive organ. These oval-shaped organs are located in the scrotum just below the penis. The testicles have two primary functions: The first is to produce sperm and the second is to produce and discharge hormones, primarily testosterone. These two functions make them an indispensable part of the male reproductive system.

The testicles are continuously making sperm. Male testicles can produce up to 200,000 sperm per minute and can make several million sperm per day. This may seem like an overabundance, but each ejaculation releases anywhere between 20 and 300 million sperm cells, making all that hard work necessary. A full sperm production cycle can take 64 days and in that time the testicles will produce up to 8 billion sperm.

Androgens, the hormones produced in the testicles, play an important role in many aspects of a man’s life. These hormones control the development of masculine features. For instance, deeper voice and beard hair growth can be linked to androgens. The hormone called testosterone also plays a vital role in male reproduction. Testosterone drives genital growth and the sperm production that takes place in the testicles.

Maintaining good health is important to ensuring the testicles are able to perform their functions properly. Evidence shows that poor health can lead to lower sperm counts and weakened testosterone production. Some research shows that male infertility increases by 10 percent for every 20 pounds that a man is overweight. Unhealthy lifestyle factors like smoking, heavy drinking and stress can also affect the testicles’ ability to perform their functions.

Given the importance of testicle functions, it is important to pay attention to the diseases and conditions that occur in them. One of the most serious conditions is testicular cancer. This cancer is tends to affect younger men between 15 and 34 years of age, and although it is not common, it is important to be aware of it and check one’s testicles somewhat regularly. According to the American Cancer Society, about 410 deaths a year in the United Stated will be caused by this form of cancer.

Because the testicles are a part of the male reproductive system, a urologist is the doctor to see if any symptoms arise that indicate a problem. Men who have health concerns can make and appointment at St Pete Urology and meet a highly skilled uologist who is dedicated to improving reprouctive health and quality of life for his patients.

How do you keep your prostate healthy?

Prostate health is an important part of overall health for men. The prostate is a walnut-sized gland situated between the bladder and the penis. The urethra, the tube through which urine exits the body, runs through the prostate. One of the prostate’s main functions is producing a fluid that nourishes and protects sperm. For men, the prostate is an important part of both the urinary and reproductive systems.

The prostate is also the organ where the most common form of cancer for men develops. This cancer affects many men and the chances of developing it increase with age. The prostate also grows in size as men age. The rate and side effects of this growth can vary, but the most common symptoms are difficulty urinating and having to urinate frequently.

Given the importance of the prostate’s role and how easily it can develop problems, good prostate health is important. Luckily, there are simple lifestyle changes that can help improve prostate and overall health. These changes start with diet and exercise. There is a great deal of evidence that diet can help determine prostate health as well as cancer risk. It is recommended to have at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Whole-grain bread and pastas are also recommended.

Protein is an important food group and eating the right kinds of protein plays a big role in prostate health. It is recommended to limit the intake of red and processed meats. Healthier sources of protein include fish, chicken, beans and eggs. Like protein, consuming the right fats is important, too. Healthy fats from olive oil, nuts, and avocados are much better than fats from animal byproducts or the trans fats found in fast food.

Sugar, salt and exercise play a role in prostate health as well. Sugary drinks like soda should be limited or cut out completely. Sweets in general should be an occasional treat, not a food group in your diet. Salt intake should be cut down for prostate health and keep in mind that most processed foods are very high in salt content.

Exercise is also important for maintaining good prostate health. There is evidence that regular exercise helps bring down the risk of stroke, heart disease and certain types of cancer.

Small changes to diet and exercise can add up to big health improvements, but there is still more you can do. Another important tool in keeping your prostate healthy is having a good relationship with your urologist. Yearly prostate exams and an open dialogue with a trusted urologist is key to maintaining prostate health and resolving issues early, before they turn into serious health problems. The urologists at St Pete Urology are dedicated to helping you keep your prostate healthy.

What can damage your kidneys?

The kidneys are a pair of organs located on either side of the spine just above the waist. Healthy kidneys work as your body’s filtration system. They help balance water and minerals in your blood. They remove waste from the blood that develops from digestion and muscle activity. In addition to filtration, the kidneys make renin to help manage blood pressure and vitamin D for bone health, among other things. There is no question that the kidneys are an important and hard-working pair of organs.

Like any other organ in the body, there are factors that can damage and affect the kidneys ability to perform their vital functions. Acute kidney problems are those that happen suddenly or in a brief amount of time. Some examples of acute kidney problems are direct trauma to the kidneys, not enough blood flowing to the kidneys, or urine backed up in them.

There are a variety of factors that can cause acute kidney problems. Traumatic injury can be caused by an incident like a car wreck or severe fall. Extreme dehydration can cause the kidneys to begin to fail. Certain drugs can release toxins that in large quantities can cause kidney failure. In men, both an enlarged prostate and kidney stones can restrict urine flow to the point the urine becomes backed up in the kidney.

Chronic kidney damage occurs when the kidneys have not been working correctly for longer than three months. Chronic kidney damage is usually the result of disease over long periods of time. High blood pressure and types 1 and 2 diabetes are the most common reasons behind chronic kidney damage. In addition to high blood pressure and diabetes, chronic kidney damage can also be attributed to illnesses like lupus, HIV/Aids, hepatitis, and urinary tract infections within the kidneys.

Urologists have many tools to help with prostate and kidney stone issues. They can remove tissue from an enlarged prostate, relieving pressure on the urethra and freeing up the flow of urine. They also have ultrasounds that use sounds waves to break up large kidney stones that can be restricting urine flow. In both cases, being able to rid the kidneys of urinary toxins can be lifesaving.

There are many factors that can damage your kidneys. St Pete Urology has urologists that understand the causes of kidney damage and what can be done to produce good outcomes and better lives for those who have suffered kidney damage. For more information, visit the St Pete Urology website.