Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Low Testosterone in Men

Testosterone is a hormone found in both men and women, but is produced in larger quantities by men. This hormone is produced in the testicles in men and is responsible for various body functions including; red blood cell production, reproduction, sexual drive, muscle mass, and bone density. [Read Full Article…]

Erectile Dysfunction – Dr Reid Graves

The complications of Erectile Dysfunction (also known as “ED”) go beyond the physical symptoms. Men suffer emotionally when they have ED. Stress and depression are common effects of this condition. Erectile Dysfunction is a man’s inability to maintain an erection for a satisfying sexual experience. This is a common condition that occurs more often in men as they age. [Read Full Article…]

What is Urethritis?

Urethritis is a disease characterized by the swelling or inflammation of the urethra, the tube through which urine travels from the urinary bladder to outside of the body. People with this condition experience acute pain while urinating. One of the most common causes of urethritis is a bacterial infection caused by E.coli, Gonococcus (it also causes gonorrhea) and Chlamydia trachomatis (responsible for chlamydia). The viruses HSV-1 and HSV-2 may also be responsible. [Read Full Article…]

Some Causes of Low Testosterone

Low Testosterone (Hypogonadism or Andropause) affects over 39 percent of all men aged 45 and above. The chances that a person has testosterone deficiency increases with age, and according to recent medical research, the incidences of hypogonadism are around 20 percent in men over 60, 30 percent in men over 70, and 50 percent in men over 80. [Read Fulll Article…]

How a Vasectomy Prevents Pregnancy

A vasectomy is the most effective form of birth control for men. The procedure, which is done under local anesthesia, involves the cutting of the vas deferens, the tube that connects the urethra to the testis where sperm is produced. This prevents the sperm from mixing with the semen which is produced for ejaculation. Semen without sperm will not cause fertilization. If a man has had a vasectomy, there is no chance of his partner getting pregnant from sexual intercourse. [Read Full Article…]

Vasectomy As A Form of Contraception

Vasectomy is a permanent method of contraception for the male reproductive system. It involves the surgical cutting and blocking of tubes located in the groin (vas) in order to prevent the movement of sperm from the testicles to the penis. It is an effective and safe birth control option. The chance of conception from sex with a man who has undergone the procedure is only one in 1,000. Even though the procedure is a routine operation in many surgical clinics around the globe, it is not widespread. In the United States, only about 500,000 vasectomy operations are performed annually. [Read Full Article…]

Artificial Sphincter for Male Incontinence

Male incontinence is rarely life-threatening, but it often hampers a normal lifestyle. It may result in damp undergarments, skin rashes, skin irritation, limited physical activity, reduced social contacts and relationships, and even male impotence or diminished interest in sex. The urologists at St Pete Urology can prescribe one of many different treatments for male incontinence, including medications, biofeedback techniques and exercise programs. However, for patients who do not respond to these treatments, the surgical implantation of an artificial sphincter is the best option. Urologists will carefully evaluate the patient before recommending an artificial sphincter. [Read Full Article…]