Considerations in Advanced Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer is the second leading cause of death pertaining to cancer-related diseases among men in the United States. But despite its death toll, Prostate Cancer is highly curable when diagnosed and treated early. For more information about Prostate Cancer, call us at (727) 478-1172 or visit us in St Petersburg, Florida.

The Road to Recovery of Prostate Cancer

Although each case of Prostate Cancer is unique, the conventional treatment involves the surgical removal of the affected part of the Prostate Gland. The technologically advanced Da Vinci Prostatectomy procedure has radically revolutionized the treatment of Prostate Cancer and has given patients new hope for a better recovery. To learn more about prostate cancer, call (727) 478-1172.

Learn How to Prevent Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer affects only men and especially men over the age of 60. There are certain factors that increase the risk of Prostate Cancer. They include smoking and drinking alcohol. Discontinuing these habits early enough can often prevent the disease from occurring. To learn more about How to Prevent Prostate Cancer, call St Pete Urology at (727) 478-1172.

Causes Of Prostate Cancer

Although researchers are still trying to understand prostate cancer, nobody is one hundred per cent sure what causes of prostate cancer. In fact, there has also been a lot of research aimed at finding better treatment for prostate cancer. However, the key players in the medical field tend to agree on some factors that cause this ailment and this article tries to look at some of those causes. It is also important to note that research is still ongoing and hopefully that new discoveries will emerge, some of which will add to the already documented causes while others may disprove some of the causes of prostate cancer that will be stated here.

Fundamentally, one of the main prostate cancer symptoms is the enlargement of the prostate gland, which causes the urethra to constrict. Other prostate cancer symptoms include the change or the color of urine from the usual dark yellow color into reddish yellow and blood stains in semen.


Many people have argued that age is one of the major causes of prostate cancer. It is said that the older a man gets, the higher the chances of getting prostate cancer. There is no definitive age that has been set as the age bracket within which men can get prostate cancer. Neither has there been a minimum age at which men who have not attained that age cannot get the disease. However, medical experts argue that prostate cancer is not prevalent in men who are below 45 years old. In fact, many prostate cancer patients are usually 45 years and above.


The role of the genetic coding in many diseases cannot be ignored. It has also been found to be one of the causes of prostate cancer. People whose families have a history of prostate cancer are more likely to have the disease than those who do not. If a man’s twin brother has prostate cancer, he is also likely to get the disease. If a man’s father, uncle or grandfather has/had the disease, he is twice as likely to get it too. Research has also shown that the disease is more prevalent in some races than in others. Generally speaking, African American men are more likely to have prostate cancer than are Caucasian Americans or Hispanics. However, this is not to say that the two races (Caucasian Americans and Hispanics) cannot get prostate cancer.


There has been sufficient medical evidence that links prostate cancer and poor eating habits. An article published by Cancer Prevention Research in October 2011 revealed that men who took fish oil supplements and low fat diet for four to six weeks before undergoing treatment for prostate cancer (surgery) showed slowed prostate growth than those who maintained fatty western diets. Other studies show that consumption of Mediterranean diets as well as soy, selenium and green tea helps in the reduction of prostate cancer. This means that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is also important in prevention of prostate cancer. It has been found that people who do yoga, exercise regularly as well as eat healthy foods are less likely to get prostate cancer than those who do not.

All about the Causes of Prostate Cancer

When men enter the age of 60 and above, one of dreaded diseases that they can get is prostate cancer. There have been clinics that help people go through seminars on prostate cancer and you will know how to deal with it. St Pete Urology can let their medical experts talk to you about it and give advices. Genetics, old age, family history and poor diet are some of the common causes that will be discussed to you by the doctors. These things can help a person understand his situation and how to deal with it properly. Proper education will help you understand your situation a lot better.

Causes of Prostate Cancer – Get the Facts Right

What about realizing that one of your relatives has prostate cancer? Prostate cancer occurs when the prostate gland tends to grow abnormally. This can actually happen whenever you are following a poor diet. It is a must that you eat the right kinds of foods. Genetics can be another identifier for the causes of prostate cancer.
With so many of these factors involved, there are only few of them that are known to the public. Other people would prefer to consult medical experts from St Pete Urologist for further confirmation of the illness. Hence, to get rid of all those doubts, go through some tests to know the exact status of your health condition.

Facts on the Causes of Prostate Cancer

Age, genetics, family history and poor diet, these are some of the manifestations of prostate cancer. There have been a lot of researches conducted about such ailment bun until now they still continue to inflict men who are 60 years old and above.
For some reasons, there are just people who do not want to go through tests of having prostate cancer. But then, this is very important for men who on their way to becoming a senior citizen. They should be diligent enough to keep themselves educated about prostate cancer and the things you need to know about recovery.

Prostate Cancer and its Causes

Among other ailments, it is prostate cancer that most old men are very afraid of having. Since this usually happens when men reach 60 years old and above, they need to talk to one of the urologists in St Pete Urology to know more about it. Family history, genetics and poor diet are some of the common causes that are easily pointed out by medical experts.
If you want to be protected by such illness, it pays to do further research. There are a lot of resources that will teach you about prostate cancer. Although some can be prevented through early detection while others found out about it very late. Get the facts right and learn more about the causes of prostate cancer now.

Causes of Prostate Cancer-Revealed

Among the known urological diseases, the most common found among men is prostate cancer. Until now, the specific cause of this disease is not known, although there are a number of factors that increase the risk of having it. Age, genetics, and poor diet are some of the different risk factors of developing prostate cancer, age being a large factor. A lot of men are most likely to develop prostate cancer as they get older. Studies show that it is more common in men above the age of 65.

St Pete Urologists can help you to understand and recognize the risk factors of the disease. To learn more about the causes of prosate cancer, read more about it here, or contact one of our specialists.

Bobby Bowden Revelation on Prostate Cancer

Football coach Bobby Bowden of Florida State, a 2-time national champion and 377-game winner, revealed he was successfully treated for prostate cancer in 2007. Bowden keep his prostate cancer, the second leading cause of cancer death in men, a secret for four years and didn’t want anyone to find out he had cancer because he was worried other schools would use it against him in recruiting. Bowden believed it was now his moral duty to bring it out in the open this prostate cancer awareness month. Especially now that he’s no longer coaching. “We’ve got to get men aware of this and be sure they get to the doctor and get their checkup where they can discover it like they did with me” Bowden told AP. Following the annual physical exam, Bowden was referred to Urologist Dr. Joe Camps. He’s a former player of Bowden who treated him by implanting low-dose radiation seeds in Bowden’s prostate. He has been cancer-free since undergoing that procedure. He hopes his experience will serve as a teaching tool. Bowden’s revelation was first reported in Tuesday’s edition of USA Today.

Original Article here.